Tigran Gellner Commander, Cairn Hills Force

AC 2 (chain mail +2 and Dex 15): MV 12; F8; hp 48; THAC0 10; Dmg 1d8 +4 or 1d8 +6 (bastard sword + 1, +3 vs. evil humanoids Str 18/63, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 12. Cha 15; AL LN.

Magical items: chain mail + 2; bastard sword + 1, + 3 vs. evil humanoids; ring of regeneration, winged boots, composite long bow + 1. quiver of arrows + 1.

Tigran 1s 37 years old, 6'1", 205 lbs., and shaves his scalp-not that he has much of tus blond hair left anyway. He has deep blue eyes, hands like shovels. and is gruff and to the point. However, he is smart, with an excellent grasp of tactics and strategy, and loves nothing better than a good scrap. He is a reverer of Pholtus, however, and keeps his troops in very strict order. His parade inspections of equipment and dress are greatly feared by his men.

His Winged boots are of the highest quality (MV Fl 24, Maneuverability Class 0). The effect of a wish spell cast upon him some time ago makes him permanently immune to any magically induced alignment change. He is wholly loyal to Greyhawk, is treated with respect by Gasgal and the other Directors, and his troops-while grumbling about his strictness-greatly respect and admire him, and know that he does not risk any one's life without considerable forethought.

In addition to the abovementioned troops, Hardby has a standing force of some 150 infantry and 100 cavalry, who are usually able to maintain order in the lands south of the Neen River with little difficulty. Raids by humanoids from the Abbor Alz are rare, given the extremely inhospitable and impassable nature of those hills, but in such an event the Directors will send adctitional forces to assist Hardby.

From Adventure Begins

Tigran Gellner, Captain-General of the Watch [LN hm F10; hp 57; Str 17, Dex 15, Int 17, Cha 19; age 46; area GC6/out of town visiting forts]. Very good grasp of strategic considerations involving defense of Domain of Greyhawk; an intellectual commander with large library on military topics; respected by the Greyhawk Militia for his strictness, bluntness, and sense of order; created Mountaineer Militia and Hardby Marines; believes Orcish Empire of the Pomarj is Greyhawk’s greatest external threat; recently married to a cleric of Pholtus.


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