Tobin Potriades Senior Tutor, The University

AC 10; MV 6; M16: hp 34; THAC0 15: #AT 1; Dmg 1d4 +2 (dagger +2 Str 9, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 15, Cha 17: AL LG.

Spells: 5 1st, 5 2nd, 5 3rd, 5 4th, 5 5th, 3 6th, 2 7th, and 1 8th.

Magical item: dagger + 2

Tobin is a genial old man of about 90 years of age (although his exact age is uncertain, and Tobin himself gave up counting long ago) with a pronounced fondness for good food and wine. Tobin is responsible for the instruction of all mages who come to the University for training, and although he rarely lectures these days he still takes an active interest in his students and their studies.

Tobin's eyesight is dwindling rapidly, and his hearing is bad at best. So far he has refrained from using magical means to correct these problems; he wears thick half-moon spectacles and carries a large, unwieldy ear trumpet.

Tobin is accompanied wherever he goes by Tiddles, his changecat familiar (see GREYHAWK Adventures, page 24) that generally retains the form of a moth-eaten old tabby cat.

Tiddles the Changecat

AC 8 (7 MV 9 (15, 45 sprint HD 4; hp 28; THAC0 15; #AT 1 claw, 1 bite (2 claws, 1 bite Dmg 1d2 (claw), 1 (bite) (1d3 /1d3 claws, 2d6 bite SA rear claws for 1d2 (rear claws for 1d4/1d4 SD surprised only on al; AL N (NG).

Statistics in parentheses are for the changecat in cheetahlike form. Tiddles will take on this form if Tobin is threatened. Tiddles is devoted to Tobin and will defend him fanatically.


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