Tomas Ratek Master Thief, River Quarter

Tomas is 45 years old, 5'11" tall, and 210 lbs. He is the archetypal thug: bald and overweight, yet surprisingly quick and agile for his build. His face is a mass of scars that bear testament to his numerous brawls and bar fights. His present position within the guild structure is due more to sheer brute force and ruthlessness than his skill as a thief. He is constantly surrounded by six brutish bodyguards (all fighters of between 1st and 3rd level, but nonetheless enrolled as members of the Thieves' Guild) and his headquarters are in a shabby old warehouse building in the seedier part of the River Quarter. Tomas will often be encountered in the various dives and dens of iniquity of the quarter, looking for trouble-which he usually finds without much effort. Tomas covets the position of Guildmaster and is presently biding his time, amassing his forces, ready to launch a takeover bid. He resents the careful, even-handed approach to business presently adopted by the guild; once Tomas is in charge, things will be different. The whole city is there for the taking as far as he is concerned-and who knows? Maybe he might just abolish the Directing Oligarchy and proclaim himself King of Greyhawk. As might be gathered, Tomas is blissfully ignorant of the other powers that coexist within the city, partly because he seldom leaves the River Quarter except to attend guild meetings.

Tomas is an aggressive man who is sus picious and resentful of strangers on his turf. Adventurers are likely to come in contact with his lackeys in their first for ays into the River Quarter, where they will be told in no uncertain terms of the established status quo in the quarter. Woe betide those adventurers who refuse to take heed of this warning, as Tomas will take any transgression of his unwritten laws as a personal insult.

AC 5 (leather and Dex 17 MV 12; T10; hp 52; THAC0 15; #AT l; Dmg 1d4 + 10 (dagger of throwing + 3 and gaunt lets ofogrepower Str 17, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 9; SA quadruple damage from backstab; AL CN (E).

Thieving skills: PP 75, OL 60, FT 60, MS 70, HS 55, DN 20, CW 95, RL 40.

Magical items: dagger of throwing +3 and gauntlets of ogre power.


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