Torrentz Hebvard, President of the Society of Magi

Torrentz is 72 (40) years old, 5'6" tall, and 150 lbs. He is clean-shaven with long black hair, pale skin and amber eyes.

Once an adventuring mage of some renown, Torrentz acquired an ancient artifact, in the form of a plain iron circlet, from deep beneath the Yatil Mountains. This artifact, which Torrentz refuses to be without and which appears to be of elemental origin, has the unfortunate side-effect of gradually reducing its wearer's Intelligence. The loss has been relatively slow, a point every six months, and Torrentz's Int score has now been reduced down from 18 to 9. Apparently the artifact must also have the power of delusion, since Torrentz is unaware of his diminishing Intelligence. His fifth level spells no longer work, although he believes he has them properly memorized. Torrentz 's research into the artifact has been limited. He has discovered that it confers on the wearer an effective AC of 0 and gives him the power of regeneration at the rate of 2 hit points per turn. Torrentz wears the circlet at all times. If he is parted from it, it remains to be seen whether the Intelligence loss is only temporary or permanent.

Torrentz can normally be found at the Green Dragon Inn, although he does occasionally frequent the Savant. He is first and foremost an adventurer at heart and will be eager to join up with a group of PCs. Torrentz's choice of spells is a little haphazard, to say the least, and it may be too late before the party realizes his magnificent magery is more a liability than a help.

From Adventure Begins

Tortentz Hebvard, President of the Society of Magi [LN hm W10; hp 32; Int 18; age 81 (49 areas H13 if C2]. Perhaps the most politically active wizard in Greyhawk; strong advocate of political neutrality and nonintervention in foreign wats or governments; opposes Nyrond in many matters, but fears and hates the United Kingdom of Ahlissa; active physically and widely known as an adventurer; recently married to a minor but rich cleric of Zilchus.

AC 0 (conferred by artifact MV 12; M10; hp 32; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6 + 3 (dart of homing Str 9, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 9 (18, see below). Wis 12, Cha 14; AL LN.

Spells: 4 1st. 4 2nd. 3 3rd.2 4th, and 2 5th.

Spells usually memorized: friends, read magic, sleep, spider climb, invisibility, mirror image, stinking doud, web, dispel magic, hold person, suggestion, confusion, polymorph self, hold monster, teleport- but see below.

Magical items: dart of homing and a special artifact (see below).


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