Touchstone of Faith

The 5-foot-square touchstone grants a deflection bonus to AC to any single creature standing upon it. Stronghold builders often add this to key guard posts or other areas important to the defense of a stronghold.

If more than one creature attempts to use this simultaneously (for instance, if two grappling creatures stand atop it), the item grants no AC bonus.

The touchstone of faith comes in four varieties: Type I grants a +2 bonus, type II a +3 bonus, type III a +4 bonus, and type IV a +5 bonus.

Caster Level: 3rd (I), 6th (II), 12th (III), 18th (IV Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, shield of faith; Market Price: 1,500 gp (I), 3,000 gp (II), 6,000 gp (III), 9,000 gp (IV).


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