Tower, Square

Although less sturdy and somewhat more expensive to make, square towers are easier to build than round ones. Thus, they are somewhat more common. Square towers are found in the same basic sizes as round ones, and a tower module is again assumed to be 30’ tall with two internal levels. The internal space available in a square tower is somewhat greater than it is in a round tower of similar size because the chamber is not rounded off.

A small tower is 30’ by 30’ inside, with outer dimensions of 50’ by 50’. Medium and large towers are 40’ and 60’ square respectively. Square towers can be stacked just as round towers can. Further, it is possible to stack a round tower atop a square tower so long as size restrictions are obeyed.

Module Type Tech Time Gold
Tower, Small Square 3 840 14,000
Tower, Medium Square 4 1,080 18,000
Tower, Large Square 5 1,440 24,000


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