
Like Sarresh, Trallant was originally a trade town linked with the County of Urnst, but under the leadership of the cambion Marionnen the town is currently being walled and earthwork defenses rushed into place. Marionnen is cold and clinical in his judgements, and is fortunate to have an ex-Lieutenant of the Legion of Black Death, the llth-level human fighter Schzenk Valurya, working with him. These two intend to make Trallant the major defen sive fortification of the southern Shield Lands, and they plot and scheme against the priests of Balmund whose rulership they intend to usurp. In addition, they carefully convey false information about events in the Bandit Lands to the northern and eastern towns and keeps, the more to confuse their defenders and make them appear incompetent. Such information is usually conveyed indi rectly and very cunningly.

Moreover, these two, under the veil of disguises, regu larly assist their hobgoblin soldiers on raids against supply trains headed for Balmund, taking supplies for their own well-equipped soldiery. Marionnen is a freak cambion, having charm person skill (3/day) despite being but a major cambion, and he has been able to magically coerce a handful of powerful captured Shield Land warriors into his service. Finally, this garrison has some 30 Reyhu ban dits of levels 5+ among its troops. These chaotic evil men are only too happy to accept Marionnen's gold. Of course, their leader is charmed, just to be sure.

Some 200 humans still survive in Trallant, although these are often old, sick or infirm people who could not escape to Urnst in time during the wars. They are used as menial labor and fishermen along the Artonsamay, help ing to feed the garrison troops.

Articles under Trallant


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