Ulrik Nessarien

AC -1 (Dex 18, leather armor +5 MV 12/24 and special; W5/T17; hp 55; THAC0 12; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6+3 (short sword +3 of paralyzation SA quintuple damage on backstab, paralyzation; Str 10, Dex 18, Con 9, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 8; AL LE.

Thief skills: PP 95, OL 95, FRT 95, MS 95, HS 90, DN 90, CW 95, RL 65.

Spells: 4 1st, 2 2nd, 1 3rd (typically change self, detect magic, hypnotism, unseen servant, detect invisibility, locate object, wraithform).

Magical items: leather armor +5. short sword +3 of paralyzation (saving throw versus Paralysis at -2 negates effect), amulet of trap detection (finds traps 2/day for 6 turns), bag of holding (250 lb. capacity), boots of speed, chime of opening (fully charged), ring of mammal control, ring of mind shielding, magical talisman that casts dimension door 4/day. magical medallion that casts forget 3/day (saving throw at -4), wings of flying, potions of invisibility and polymorph self (x3).

Equipment: If the DM is using the Complete Thief's Handbook, several appropriate items should be added to Ulrik's profile, notably weaponblock, clawed shoes, housebreaker's harness, limewood strips, tar paper, etc.)

Ulrik is 5' 8" tall, 161 lbs., with short-cropped greying black hair and brown eyes. He is 37 years of age. By birth, he is a Brotherhood man through and through, and is fanatically loyal to Ghrigiel. He exists in two quite different conditions, due to his contraction of a magical wasting disease which is seemingly incurable.

In his role as a clerical attache, Ulrik walks slowly (MV 4), has a fine tremor, coughs horribly from time to time, and appears wasted and ill, with sunken eyes, dark circles below them, a jaundiced complexion, and a slight stammer. Each evening, Ghrigiel casts a form of the cure disease spell on Ulrik, which places the symptoms in abeyance and even returns full health to him for 12 hours.

By night, Ulrik becomes his former vigorous self, and it is during these hours that he goes about his work. By dawn, his disease begins to reassert itself and, if untreated by Ghrigiel's spell, would prove fatal within 72 hours.

Ulrik's impressive array of magical items allows rapid movement, fast escape, ability to alter form and appearance, protection from scrying, and the ability to render victims incapable of action (sword) or recall (medallion). He is splendidly equipped for his surveillance work. He has begun to develop a few contacts in the River Quarter, where he is known by the name Raliman Erleden, but his direct operations have so far been restricted to break-ins and surveillance.


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