Umbragen Shadowknife

Prerequisite: Drow (umbragen)

You have honed your metaphysical tie with the Umbra, and can form it into weapons of pure, solid darkness:

*Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

*Darkblade. You know the mindblade cantrip, but it is a conjuration spell for you and the weapon you create with it deals necrotic damage. Your spellcasting ability for this spell is Charisma, which you use in place of a psionic ability for the spell.

*Shadow bow. When you cast mindblade, you may create a ranged weapon instead of a melee one. The ranged weapon you create is a magical weapon you are proficient with that deals d8 necrotic damage, has a short range of 120 feet, a long range of 500 feet, and has the ammunition, heavy, and two-handed properties. You may choose to use your spellcasting ability instead of Dexterity for the attack and damage rolls of ranged attacks using this weapon. Whenever you make an attack with it, the weapon conjures its own arrow from the Umbra. You cannot use any other ammunition with the weapon.


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