While a number of noble or mercantile houses possess criminal ties, a rare few are known primarily for their underworld dealings. In some instances, the house’s illegal activities might be publicly known, but the family is clever or powerful enough that the local authorities cannot prosecute. In other instances, a city might be so corrupt that overt criminal houses are the norm; this is most often the case when a criminal house holds the greatest power in the city.

Some of these houses earn much of their income through illicit activities, but others are nonnoble bloodlines that have risen to power—at least in the underworld, and possibly in more legitimate circles as well—by funneling criminal profits into legal pursuits (think of them as a fantasy equivalent of the modern-day Mafia). Such houses are among the most frequent patrons of adventurers, since they always have dangerous or dirty tasks that need doing. Good-aligned characters should always beware of making deals with them.

Associated Classes: Barbarian, expert, fighter, ranger, rogue, spellthief (Complete Warrior), warrior. Associated Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Forgery, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (local).

Supplies Available: An underworld house can provide any supplies necessary, up to the maximum allotment. However, 25% of such supplies are stolen or smuggled goods, and the PCs caught with them might find themselves in severe legal trouble.

Sample Contact: Ronto Riddimas (rogue 6/assassin 2). Ronto will assassinate any single individual of a level lower than his, so long as the target is not especially well protected. Once only.


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