Unit Traits and Reactions

The following list describes unit traits and reactions for each race as well as those units controlled by the DM.

Acid Absorption. When this unit is subjected to acid damage, it takes no damage and regains that number of hit points.

Acid Immunity. This unit is immune to acid damage.

Aggressive. As a bonus action, this unit can move up to its movement speed. If this unit does this, all attack rolls made against it have advantage until the start of its next turn.

Agile. This unit treats all terrain as normal terrain.

Aim. If this unit does not move this turn and is not adjacent to another unit, its ranged attack rolls have advantage.

Alert. This unit adds its Morale modifier to adjacent allies when they make Magic saving throws.

Ambush. This unit has advantage on its melee attack rolls against targets that haven’t taken a turn this round.

Anchor. This unit can either move or make a ranged attack each turn.

Animating Spores. When an enemy unit larger than one square is destroyed while adjacent to this unit, this unit can use its reaction to raise a myconids unit in the closest empty space.

Annihilating Aura. Enemy units that start their turn adjacent to this unit must succeed on a Magic saving throw or take 1 necrotic damage.

Antimagic Cone. This unit ignores any negative effects caused by the first spell used against it each turn.

Antimagic Shell. When this unit succeeds on a Magic saving throw, it can use its reaction to convert the magical energy and redirect it against an adjacent unit. That unit takes 1 force damage.

Army Arcana. This unit and its adjacent allies are immune to any damage or negative magical effects caused by spells cast by their army.

Astral Entity. This unit cannot leave the Astral Plane, nor can it be banished from or otherwise transported out of the Astral Plane.

Attuned. When this unit’s army casts a spell, this unit regains 1 hit point and removes the broken status if currently afflicted.

Aura of Madness. Enemies adjacent to this unit have disadvantage on saving throws.

Axiomatic Mind. This unit is immune to any negative effect that requires a Magic saving throw.

Bend Space. When this unit takes damage from a melee attack, it can use its reaction to teleport up to 300 feet away to an empty space.

Berserk. When this unit starts a turn with half (or less) of its maximum hit points, it can make a melee attack as a bonus action.

Blood Frenzy. This unit has advantage on melee attack rolls against units that don’t have all their hit points.

Blood Pact. This unit can destroy itself as an action. If it does, one ally regains 1 hit point.

Bloodthirsty. When an enemy unit breaks or is destroyed, allied units with Bloodthirsty have a +2 bonus when making attack rolls until the end of their next turn.

Boastful. Gain 1 XP when this unit scores a critical hit.

Bombardier. This unit can make a ranged attack as they fly over a unit. These ranged attack rolls always have advantage.

Boulder Roll. Moving downhill costs this unit no movement.

Brace. When attacked with the Charge trait, this unit can use its reaction to make one melee weapon attack roll with advantage against its attacker.

Brutal. When this unit drops an enemy to 0 hit points, that enemy is destroyed.

Burrower. This unit can burrow 100 feet through the ground and reappear in an unoccupied space facing any direction.

Cantrip. Once per battle, as an action, this unit can cast a level 1 battle spell its realm knows as if that realm had spent 1 mana.

Careful. This unit cannot make a ranged attack when adjacent to an enemy unit’s front.

Celestial Armor. This unit is immune to radiant and necrotic damage.

Charge. If this unit moves forward at least 50 feet toward a target and then hits with a melee attack, the target takes an extra 1 piercing damage. The target is then pushed back 50 feet.

Close Range. Being adjacent to an enemy does not impose disadvantage on this unit’s ranged weapon attack rolls.

Cold Immunity. This unit is immune to cold damage.

Competitive. This unit adds a +2 bonus to its attack rolls when it has fewer hit points than its target. This unit cannot attack a broken unit.

Confer Fire Resistance. This unit and its adjacent allies have immunity to fire damage.

Confusing Gaze. An enemy that targets this unit with a melee attack must succeed on a Magic saving throw or that enemy’s melee attack rolls against this unit have disadvantage until the start of that enemy’s next turn.

Constrict. When this unit deals melee damage to a target, that target cannot move on its next turn.

Construct. This unit cannot take the Rally action. When it drops to 0 hit points, it is destroyed.

Contamination. Any unit that starts its turn adjacent to this unit must succeed on a Magic saving throw or take 1 poison damage. A unit that succeeds on this roll is immune to the contamination for the rest of the battle.

Corpses. This unit regains 1 hit point when any unit is destroyed.

Corrupt Water. At the start of this unit’s turn, adjacent enemies that are in water must make a Magic saving throw or take 1 poison damage.

Corruption. As a bonus action, this unit forces an enemy within 100 feet to make a Magic saving throw. On a failure, this unit controls that enemy until the end of that enemy’s next turn. On a successful save, that enemy is immune to this unit’s corruption for the rest of the battle. Only one unit can be under this unit’s control in this way at a time.

Counterspell. In response to an enemy using a Cantrip action, this unit can use its reaction to force the casting player to make a Magic saving throw. On a failure, this unit cancels the spell and ignores its effects.

Create Specters. Once per battle, after a non-fantastic enemy is destroyed, this unit can use its reaction to create a specters unit with 0 weight in the closest empty space to that destroyed enemy. These specters are removed after the battle.

Creature Sense. All attack rolls made against this unit have disadvantage.

Crippling Fear. Enemies that start their turn adjacent to this unit must make a Magic saving throw. On a failed save, that enemy has disadvantage on melee attack rolls against this unit this turn. On a successful save, the unit is immune to Crippling Fear for the remainder of the battle.

Crush. Once per turn, this unit can move through one enemy larger than 1 square as if it were difficult terrain. That enemy takes 1 bludgeoning damage. This movement does not trigger opportunity attacks.

Crystalline Edge. This unit has a +1 bonus to slashing damage if their target is at full hit points.

Cunning Opportunist. This unit has advantage on attack rolls for opportunity attacks.

Cursed Kiss. If a broken enemy starts its turn adjacent to this unit and then flees the field, that enemy is destroyed. This unit’s army adds a new unit of the same type after the battle if its commander can accommodate the additional weight.

Dark Pact. When this unit retreats or is destroyed, you gain 1 mana that is lost after this battle if not used.

Deadly Reach. In response to an enemy moving adjacent to this unit’s front side, this unit can make a melee attack as a reaction.

Death Burst. When this unit is destroyed, each adjacent unit must make a Magic saving throw or take 1 fire damage.

Death Flash. When this unit is destroyed, adjacent enemy units’ melee attack rolls are made with disadvantage until the end of their next turn.

Death Gaze. At the start of this unit’s turn, all adjacent enemy units must make a Magic saving throw. On a failure, that unit’s Morale modifier is reduced to +0 until the start of that unit’s next turn.

Death Throes. This unit explodes when it dies and it deals 3 fire damage to each adjacent unit.

Defend. As a reaction to an adjacent ally being hit by an attack roll, this unit gives that ally a +3 bonus to its AC, potentially causing a miss.

Dimensional Lock. Enemies cannot teleport to or from spaces adjacent to this unit.

Diseased. Enemies damaged by this unit cannot regain hit points on their next turn.

Displacement. At the start of each round, melee attack rolls against this unit have disadvantage until this unit takes damage. This trait is disabled when this unit is broken.

Disrupt Concentration. This unit can use its reaction to attempt to cancel a spell as it is being cast. If this unit succeeds on a Magic contest with the caster, the spell fails and has no effect. and no mana is spent.

Distraction. Allied units have advantage on melee attack rolls if this unit is adjacent to those allies’ target.

Distress Spores. When this unit takes damage, allies can use their reaction to move 50 feet.

Draconic Immunity. This unit is immune to the damage type associated with its draconic ancestry.

Dreadful. An enemy that begins its turn adjacent to this unit must make a Rally saving throw. On a failed save, that enemy cannot attack this unit with melee attacks this turn.

Earth Shake. As a bonus action after moving, this unit can send a shockwave against all adjacent enemy units. Those units must make a Rally saving throw. On a failure, that unit takes 1 bludgeoning damage and cannot move on its next turn.

Eldritch Enchantment. If this unit is not adjacent to another unit, it adds 100 feet of the range of its ranged attacks.

Engine of Pain. In response to an adjacent ally taking damage, this unit can use its reaction to emit a sonic burst on a square within 100 feet. This burst covers an area that is 100 feet by 100 feet. Each enemy in that area must make a Magic saving throw or take 1 thunder damage.

Enlarge. As a reaction to taking damage from a critical hit, this unit can use its reaction to deal a bonus +1 damage on melee attacks for the remainder of the battle.

Enslave. Once per battle as a bonus action, this unit can force an adjacent enemy to make a Magic saving throw. On a failure, this unit controls that enemy until the end of that enemy’s next turn.

Evil Eye. As a bonus action this unit can force an adjacent unit to make a Magic saving throw. On a failure, that unit takes 1 psychic damage.

Expendable. You take no stability damage when this unit is destroyed.

Explosive. When this unit drops to 0 hit points, it is destroyed, explodes, and deals 1 fire damage to each adjacent unit.

Extract Brain. If this unit destroys a unit of equal or lesser weight, you pay no gold for the next unit of this type that you recruit.

Faultless Tracker. Armies with this unit have advantage on Scouting checks.

Favored Servant. When an allied elder brain is about to take damage, this unit can use its reaction to take that damage instead.

Fearful Voice. When taking damage, this unit can use its reaction to utter a dreadful word of power. Enemies adjacent to this unit must succeed on a Magic saving throw or they cannot target this unit with a melee attack until the start of this unit’s next turn. Units that succeed on this save are immune to Fearful Voice for the rest of the battle.

Feed on Weakness. If an enemy fails a saving throw, this unit can use its reaction to regain 1 hit point.

Fetid Cloud. Units that begin their turn adjacent to this unit cannot take a bonus action on their turn.

Fiery Strike. This unit scores a critical hit on a roll of 18— 20.

Fire Absorption. Whenever this unit is subjected to fire damage, it takes no damage and instead regains a number of hit points equal to the fire damage dealt.

Fire Immunity. This unit is immune to fire damage.

Fire Vulnerability. When this unit takes fire damage, it takes an additional 1 fire damage.

Fly. This unit ignores difficult terrain and can move over other units. This unit must end its turn on the ground in an empty area.

Flyby. While flying, this unit can make a melee attack as an action that doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity.

Forester. This unit treats forest as normal terrain. If any part of it is in forest, it adds a +2 bonus to its AC against ranged attacks.

Freezing Strike. This unit scores a critical hit on a roll of 18–20. Frenzy. This unit can make a melee attack as a bonus action if it has less than full hit points.

Frightful Presence. Units adjacent to this unit must make a Rally saving throw or they cannot attack or target this unit on their turn.

Generate Water. Allies adjacent to this unit have advantage on Rally checks.

Gibbering. Units adjacent to this unit can’t take reactions.

Gouge. This unit adds +1 bonus damage to its melee attacks when made against an enemy’s side or rear.

Gravemaster. When an adjacent ally with the Undead trait takes damage, this unit can use its reaction to prevent that instance of damage.

Gruumsh’s Fury. When this unit destroys an enemy, you gain gold equal to that enemy’s weight and that enemy’s realm loses up to an equal amount of gold.

Heal. Adjacent allies double their Morale modifier when they take the Rally action.

Heart of the Dragon. This unit has advantage on all saving throws, including Rally and Magic saves.

Heated Body. When this unit is hit with a melee attack, the attacker takes 1 fire damage.

Hellish Rejuvenation. If this unit dies in the Nine Hells, a new instance of this unit is added to its army at the end of the battle.

Hidden Potential. If this unit becomes veterans, in addition to adding 1 to their maximum hit points, they also gain 2 to AC, +100 feet to their movement, and +2 to their attack rolls.

Horde. When an adjacent ally with the same name breaks, this unit can absorb it and gain 2 temporary hit points. Broken allies absorbed in this way are considered destroyed. This unit cannot deal critical hits.

Imprison Soul. As a bonus action, this unit can target a unit with 0 hit points that is within 100 feet. That unit is destroyed and this unit’s Soul Rend ability immediately recharges.

Incorporeal Movement. This unit treats allies, enemies, and otherwise impassable terrain as normal terrain.

Inspire. As a bonus action, an ally this unit chooses gains advantage on its next attack roll. Only one ally can be inspired at a time.

Instinctive Charm. As a bonus action, this unit can force an adjacent enemy to make a Rally saving throw. On a failed save, that enemy cannot attack this unit on its next turn. If a unit makes this save, it is immune to this unit’s Instinctive Charm for the rest of the battle.

Invisible. All melee attack rolls made against this unit have disadvantage.

Iron Boots. This unit cannot be moved against its will.

It’s a Trap! Before deployment when you have been attacked, you can designate up to 3 empty squares outside the enemy’s deployment zone as having explosive traps. When any portion of a unit enters these squares, they take 1 piercing damage.

Life Drain. When this unit damages a unit from a melee attack, it regains that many hit points.

Life Hunger. If an enemy unit regains hit points, this unit deals a bonus +1 damage on its melee attack rolls until the start of its next turn.

Lightning Strike. This unit scores a critical hit on a roll of 18–20.

Lightning Absorption. When this unit is subjected to lightning damage, it takes no damage and regains that number of hit points.

Lightning Blood. When this unit takes damage from a melee attack, the attacker must make a Rally saving throw. On a failure, that unit takes 1 lightning damage.

Lightning Immunity. This unit is immune to lightning damage.

Living Storm. While this unit is on the field, no units can fly. All ranged attack rolls are at a −2 penalty, and all units subtract 100 feet from their movement. Other weather effects are ignored.

Loyal Bodyguard. When an adjacent ally is hit by an attack, this unit takes the damage instead.

Lucky. When this unit rolls a 1, treat it as if it rolled a 20.

Magic Immunity. This unit can choose to succeed on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Magic Resistance. This unit has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Martial Advantage. This unit deals +1 damage if their target is at full hit points and that target is adjacent to an ally with Martial Advantage.

Martial Fury. This unit can make an attack as a bonus action. If it does, attack rolls against it have advantage until the start of their next turn.

Martyr. This unit deals 1 stability damage to the realm that destroys it.

Meditative Transposition. If an ally within 200 feet takes damage, this unit can use its reaction to take that instance of damage instead.

Mind Fangs. Once per battle, this unit can add a bonus +1 psychic damage when they make a successful melee attack.

Mobile. This unit can rotate twice a turn.

Mouth of Madness. At the start of this unit’s turn, it uses all its movement toward the nearest enemy.

Multiheaded. Enemy melee attack rolls against this unit do not benefit from advantage.

Necrotic Immunity. This unit is immune to necrotic damage.

Negative Energy Ray. This unit emits an invisible ray of magical negative energy with a range of 150 feet by 50 feet. At the start of this unit’s turn, it decides which way the ray faces and whether it is active. Any unit in that area cannot regain hit points.

Nilbogism. When an enemy targets this unit with a melee attack, that enemy must first succeed on a Magic saving throw or it must choose a new target.

Nimble. This unit can disengage as a bonus action and move through allies as if they were normal terrain.

Out-of-Phase Movement. This unit can move through enemies as if they were difficult terrain. Those enemies take 1 psychic damage; no enemy can take this damage more than once per turn.

Pack Tactics. This unit has advantage on melee attack rolls against a target if at least one of its unbroken allies is adjacent to the target.

Parry. This unit can use its reaction to add its Morale modifier to its AC before an enemy makes a melee attack roll against them.

Performance. When this unit destroys an enemy, you gain 1 XP.

Petrifying Gaze. If an enemy begins its turn adjacent to this unit’s front, it must make a Magic saving throw. On a failed save, the unit takes 1 necrotic damage. If a unit drops to 0 hit points in this way, it is destroyed, remains on the field, and is now considered difficult terrain. On a successful save, the unit is immune to any petrifying gazes for the rest of the battle.

Phalanx. This unit adds +1 to its AC when adjacent to another instance of the same unit.

Pickpocket. Gain 1 gold when you recruit this unit.

Pin. Enemies cannot take the Disengage action when adjacent to this unit’s front.

Pivot. This unit can rotate for 50 feet of movement.

Plague. When this unit deals poison damage to an enemy, that enemy’s adjacent allies take 1 poison damage.

Plant Regeneration. If this unit starts with more than half their hit points, they regain 1 hit point. If this unit takes cold, fire, or necrotic damage, this trait doesn’t function on their next turn.

Poison Immunity. This unit is immune to poison.

Poison Splash. When this unit takes damage from any type other than psychic, all adjacent enemies take 1 poison damage.

Possess Corpses. Once per battle, when an enemy larger than one square is destroyed within 300 feet of this unit, this unit can disappear into that enemy. That enemy rises and is controlled by this unit. While possessing the enemy, this unit gains 3 temporary hit points and takes on the AC, Speed, Traits, and Actions of that possessed unit. The possession lasts until the temporary hit points are lost, at which point the enemy unit is replaced by this unit.

Poison Splash. When this unit takes damage from any type other than psychic, all adjacent enemies take 1 poison damage.

Pounce. If this unit moves at least 50 feet toward a target and then hits with a melee attack, this unit can make a melee attack as a bonus action.

Precision Strike. If this unit does not move this turn and is not adjacent to any allied unit, their melee attack rolls have advantage.

Project Defenses. In response to an ally taking damage, this unit can use its reaction to increase that ally’s AC by +2 until the end of that ally’s next turn.

Proud. Only one of this unit can be in an army. Critical hits against it count as normal hits.

Psychic Engine. When this unit suffers a critical hit or drops to 0 HP, it deals 1 psychic damage to its attacker.

Psychic Immunity. This unit is immune to psychic damage.

Psychic Leech. If an enemy starts its turn adjacent to this unit, it must succeed on a Magic saving throw or take 1 psychic damage.

Psychic Mirror. If this unit takes psychic damage, each adjacent unit takes that damage instead; this unit takes none of that damage.

Pursuer. Your army has advantage when rolling to capture prisoners of war if this unit is alive after the battle.

Rage Strike. This unit scores a critical hit on a roll of 18— 20.

Rampage. When this unit destroys a unit with a melee attack on its turn, it can take a bonus action to move up to half its speed and make a melee attack.

Rancid Degeneration. At the end of this unit’s turn, adjacent enemies take 1 necrotic damage unless this unit has taken acid or fire damage since the end of its last turn.

Ravenous. This unit regains 1 hit point when it destroys an enemy.

Rebound. In response to taking melee damage, this unit can use its reaction to make a Rally check.

Recharge (X–Y). Some actions recharge on a d6 roll of X–Y as similarly described in the Monster Manual.

Reckless. At the start of its turn, this unit can gain advantage on all melee attack rolls it makes during that turn, but attack rolls against it have advantage until the start of its next turn.

Reflective Carapace. This unit is unaffected by 1st level battle spells.

Regeneration. This unit doubles its Morale modifier when taking the Rally action.

Rejuvenation. If this unit is killed, make a Population (Recruitment) check after the battle using this unit’s Recruit DC. On a success, a new instance of this unit is recruited without paying its cost.

Relentless. If this unit takes 2 or more damage in a single attack, the damage is reduced by 1.

Reversal of Fortune. When this unit takes damage from a melee attack, it can use its reaction to reduce the damage to 0 and instead regain 1 hit point.

Rising Anger. If another unit deals damage to this unit, this unit's attack rolls have advantage until the start of its next turn.

Scavenger. When this unit destroys an enemy, you gain gold equal to that destroyed unit’s Recruit DC.

Shadow Step. This unit can magically teleport up to 100 feet to an unoccupied area by spending 100 feet of movement. This unit can use this trait after making a melee attack.

Shielded. This unit can add its Morale modifier to its AC as a reaction against ranged attacks.

Siege Monster. This unit deals double damage to structures and buildings.

Slither. This unit never triggers opportunity attacks and can move through enemy units as though they were normal terrain.

Sneaky Sorcery. This unit deals +1 damage on melee attack rolls if they are granted advantage by Pack Tactics.

Speed. If this unit spends all its movement in a turn without reentering any of the same squares, it adds +4 to its AC until the start of its next turn.

Spell Reflection. When an opponent casts a spell targeting an ally, this unit can use its reaction to redirect that spell’s target to itself.

Spider Climb. This unit can climb impassable surfaces as if they were normal terrain.

Stalwart. This unit can rally while adjacent to an enemy.

Stench. The first melee attack roll made against this unit each turn has disadvantage.

Sticky Shield. When an enemy unit misses this unit with a melee attack, this unit can use its reaction to give that unit disadvantage on its future melee attack rolls. This effect ends once the enemy unit hits with a melee attack.

Stone Camouflage. This unit is not required to deploy at the start of a battle. On any round’s initiative count that matches this unit’s initiative, any of these units that have not been deployed can be placed adjacent to a rocky or hill terrain feature in an empty space and can then take their turn.

Stubborn. When this unit takes the Rally action, add a +1 bonus to the check for each currently defeated ally.

Student. This unit can be improved through Order (Training) checks as though they were not militia.

Summon Demon. In response to the enemy rolling an unmodified attack roll of 1 against an ally, this unit can use its reaction to summon a protective demon that gives that ally 2 temporary hit points.

Summon Servant. In response to the enemy rolling an unmodified attack roll of 1 against an ally, this unit can use its reaction to summon a raging demon that deals 1 necrotic damage to that ally’s attacker.

Summon Specters. In response to a unit being destroyed, this unit can use its reaction summon the spirits of those slain to enact repairs on itself and regain 1 hit point.

Swimmer. This unit treats water as normal terrain.

Telepathic Hub. This unit has a telepathic link to any elder brains in the battle.

Telepathic Link. As a bonus action, this unit can take control of an unbroken ally with Telepathic Hub. That ally can then use its reaction to make a melee or ranged attack or take the Rally action. If the unit rallies, it uses this unit’s Morale modifier.

Teleport. This unit can magically teleport up to 200 feet to an unoccupied area by spending 200 feet of movement.

Thrives on Company. If this unit is not adjacent to an ally, it has advantage on melee attack rolls.

Tightening Embrace. If an enemy retreats from the map while this unit’s front is adjacent to one or more enemies, this unit can deal 1 psychic damage to one of those enemies.

Titan. Attack rolls against this unit from non-siege and non-fantastic units have disadvantage.

Toxins. When this unit deals poison damage to an enemy, that enemy breaks if it is adjacent to a broken ally.

Trackless. Armies with trackless units do not appear on the world map and other realms have disadvantage when attempting a Scout check on these armies.

Transformation. If this unit destroys an enemy with a melee attack, this unit is replaced by another if its army’s commander can hold the additional weight.

Tree Stride. If any portion of this unit starts a turn in forest terrain, they spend no movement while moving within that contiguous forest.

Troll Regeneration. If this unit starts a turn with less than half its hit points, it regains 1 hit point. If this unit takes acid or fire damage, this trait doesn’t function on their next turn.

Unbreakable. This unit does not break when it drops to 0 hit points.

Unbridled Fury. In response to being hit by a melee attack, this unit can use its reaction to make one melee attack roll with advantage against the attacker.

Undead. When this unit starts a turn with 0 hit points, it regains 1 hit point. If radiant damage drops this unit to 0 hit points, it is destroyed.

Under Pressure. This unit needs to roll one less on a melee attack roll to score a critical hit for each enemy adjacent to them.

Undetectable. An army with this unit cannot be targeted, scouted, or perceived through magical means.

Unnerving Mask. In response to being targeted by a melee attack, this unit can use its reaction to force the attacker to make a Magic saving throw. On a failure, the attacker cannot attack this unit this turn.

Veil of Shargaas. Ranged attack rolls made against this unit and its adjacent allies have disadvantage.

Vengeful Strike. In response to being reduced to 0 hit points, this unit can use its reaction to make a melee attack.

Vicious. This unit adds +2 to its attack rolls if it has less than full hit points.

Vicious Reprisal. In response to taking damage from a melee attack, this unit can use its reaction to make a melee attack against their attacker.

Water Bound. If this unit is not on or adjacent to water terrain at the start of its turn, it takes 2 force damage.

Watery Advantage. While any portion of this unit is in water, it has advantage on its melee attack rolls and melee attack rolls against this unit have disadvantage.

Weakening Gaze. An enemy that begins its turn adjacent to this unit must make a Rally saving throw. On a failed save, that enemy has a −1 damage penalty to melee attacks to this unit until the end of its next turn.

Wild Magic. If your modified attack roll is 10 or more above the target’s AC, you do +1 damage.

Worms. If this unit destroys an enemy, a new instance of this unit rises in the closest empty area if its commander can hold the additional weight.

Wounded Fury. While this unit has half (or less) than its maximum hit points, it has advantage on melee attack rolls and deals +1 damage when making melee attacks.

Wretched. The enemy that destroys this unit gains no fame or experience.

All special abilities and limitations of creatures must be determined before play begins. For monsters in official AD&D® and D&D8 game publications, the published information should be used. For new monsters, you must agree what the abilities and limitations are before play begins. A referee is extremely useful for resolving problems.


If a creature has a penalty or benefit under certain circumstances (e.g., -1 to hit in daylight, or -4 to AC against giants), the adjustment applies whenever the circumstances occur. Make AR and AC adjustments before the dice are rolled; make damage adjustments after the dice have been rolled. Each + or - equals one column shift on the Combat Results Table per attacking figure to the total hit dice of damage done. EXAMPLE: If the result is 3D6 of damage per figure, and there is a +1 damage adjustment, the actual number of hit dice of damage is 3 times the result in the D8 column (1 column shift to the right).


There are two types of poison: poison that causes paralyzation or immobilization, and poison that causes extra damage or death.

Poison that causes paralyzation, immobilization, or similar effects is resolved as in [13.4] PARALYZATION or [14.6] CHARM, HOLD, AND TEMPORARY IMMOBILIZATION.

Poison that causes extra damage or death is treated as extra dice of damage, using the same dice roll as the conventional attack(s) made during that phase. If the poison is defined as weak, or the saving throw is made at a bonus, shift one column to the right to determine the extra damage. If the poison is defined as strong, or the saving throw is made at a penalty, shift three columns to the right to determine the extra damage. If the strength of the poison is not defined and there is no bonus or penalty to the saving throw, shift two columns to the right to determine the extra damage. Do not make a saving throw against poison in the BATTLESYSTEM™ game, even if one is permitted. SPECIAL NOTE: This rule applies even if the poison only does extra damage, rather than causes death.


Some creatures are hit only by magic or silver weapons, have a shield spell or globe of invulnerability, or possess other protection against harm.

If a unit ends a Melee Phase in base-to-base contact with an enemy figure or unit it cannot possibly harm, it makes an immediate Morale Check in addition to any other checks that may have to be made in that phase.


Any damage caused by a figure or unit that paralyzes upon touch causes any enemy units in base-to-base contact with it to become paralyzed.

Paralyzation attacks never cause wounds; if any damage is scored, fractional unit damage paralyzes an entire figure. If the only damage caused by a unit is to paralyze, use the D4 column on the CRT to calculate how many HD of enemy figures are paralyzed. Any damage (no matter how small) that affects a single figure requires an immediate saving throw for that figure (if allowed).


Creatures engaged with level-draining opponents at the end of a Melee Phase must make an immediate Morale Check with a -2 penalty, in addition to any other checks that must be made.

When level-draining creatures engage in melee combat, they do double damage.


Some creatures, including dragons, demons, and devils, have the power to cause awe and/or fear. The official monster description for each such creature explains when the effect occurs and who is subject to it.

If a creature capable of causing awe and/or fear is on the battlefield, all units that are affected by it and that are within 12 " of it must make an immediate Morale Check, in addition to any other Morale Checks that must be made.

Modify the unit's morale by -1 if the check is caused by a dragon or a creature of 12 + HD. Modify the morale by +1 if the check is caused by an illusion of a creature that causes awe or fear.

If a divine being (gods and demigods only) with a charisma of 19 or higher appears on the battlefield, all forces within sight on both sides are automatically affected by the god's awe power. (Awe power is defined in Legends & Lore (formerly the DEITIES & DEMIGODS™ Cyclopedia), p. 7.) Awe power stuns affected creatures into inaction as long as the deity is present. There is no saving throw.


Breath weapons use the rules for magical artillery. See [14.5] for calculating damage. Range is as defined in the official AD&D® or D&D® monster description, but area of effect is as defined in [14.2].

Breath weapons are normally used during the Missile and Magic Phase. They can be used as split-fire or as pass-through fire if desired.


Creatures with this ability can remove a Wound marker from a figure if it goes for two Game Rounds without participating in combat. When regenerating creatures are killed, place a second Wound marker on the figure and leave it on the battlefield. Two Game Rounds later, one Wound marker is removed and the figure can move and fight normally. If an enemy figure is within 1" of the "dead" regenerating creature, the creature cannot regenerate. A single figure can prevent two regenerating creatures from healing if it is within 1" of each such figure.

Damage caused by fire and acid attacks does not regenerate unless the creature description says otherwise.


Mindless undead (zombies, skeletons, etc.), must be in command in order to move or fight. They never check morale or discipline (but must have a morale rating calculated for them). If a unit of mindless undead goes out of command, it continues following its last order: move, fight, pursue, halt, etc., regardless of circumstances. If it is moving, it will fight any opponents or friendly forces in its path, and move off the tabletop or over a cliff or into a river or otherwise self-destruct if command is not reestablished in time.


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