This section introduces a host of new feats for use in urban campaigns. For more city-appropriate feats, see Races of Destiny.

Table 2–4: New Feats

* A fighter can select this feat as one of his bonus feats.

General Feats Prerequisites Benefit
Efficient Defender* Heavy armor proficiency +1 AC in light or medium armor, –1 armor check penalty
Extra Contacts Cha 11 Increase your maximum number of contacts by 4
Favored Membership in guild, organization, or church You gain benefits to organization-related skills, as well as organization-specific advantages
Primary Contact Favored Gain +1 bonus on one skill, and double the frequency of favors with one contact
Special Dispensation Favored You can carry and wear items banned by the local authorities
Strong Stomach Con 13, Endurance Reduce nauseated and sickened conditions by one step
Swift Tumbler Tumble 7 ranks Tumble at (1/2 speed + 10) ft.
Urban Tracking - Use Gather Information to track down missing or wanted persons
Metamagic Feats Prerequisites Benefit
City Magic Caster level 3rd Only half of damage from energy-based spells comes from energy
Deceptive Spell — Disguise spell origin
Invisible Spell Any metamagic feat Make spell effects invisible
Sculpt Spell Any metamagic feat Alter spell’s area
Tactical Feats Prerequisites Benefit
Roofwalker Balance 5 ranks, Jump 5 ranks, Dodge, Mobility Gain move, skill, and AC bonuses on rooftops
Roof-Jumper Balance 7 ranks, Jump 7 ranks, Dodge, Mobility, Roofwalker Gain attack and move bonuses when jumping downward

Articles under URBAN FEATS


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