Varmai Zendeihei The Cursed One Version Ia: The Good Warrior

Varmai is 26 years old, 5'8" tall, 129 lbs., with light brown hair and gray eyes. She is quiet and detached, with something of an air of amusement about her. Perhaps this is because most people do not expect fighters to have the intelligence she has, and treat her accordingly.

Despite her alignment, Varmai is something of a loner, and undertakes missions for a variety of acceptable masters within Greyhawk itself (as the DM sees fit), for important people in Furyondy and Veluna, and for others still farther afield. She is rather cool toward the Knights of Holy Shielding, considering them ill-advised and unrealistic. She is secretive about the people she works for, although the DM may wish to have the PCs involved with her on some rescue mission so they can experience first-hand her unquestionable lawful good alignment. People of lawful good alignment within Greyhawk will, also, speak highly of her if PCs make inquiries.

Varmai's abrupt change in personality will occur when she undertakes a mission in the Vesve Forest, without the PCs being involved, and returns a month or so overdue. At this stage, her behavior and demeanor seem unchanged. In fact, her alignment has changed radically; she is simply concealing this, which she does with considerable cunning and ingenuity. The profile below shows the effects on her which the item she carries (detailed below) has had.

AC 2 (plate mail + 1 MV 12; F7; hp 57; THAC0 13; #AT 3/2; Dmg 2d4 + 2 or 2d4 +5 (bastard sword+ 1, +4 vs. rep tiles Str 17, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 17, Wis 11, Cha 13; AL LG.

Magical items: plate mail + 1; bastard sword + 1, +4 vs. reptiles; amulet of proof against detection and location, ring of free action.


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