Varmai Zendeihei The Cursed One Version Ib: A Short-term Effect

On an adventure, Varmai has found a pair of powerfully cursed evil arm bracers crafted by none other than Vecna. evil lich of antiquity. These baleful items have the following effects:

1. Alignment change to neutral evil.

2. Ability to control undead as a 7th level priest.

3. -2 bonus to Armor Class and +2 bonus to saving throws.

4. Immunity to caused wounds, d1s ease. blindness and similar magical ef fects.

5. Abilities of a 5th level mage, with the chance to progress in experience with a 20% XP bonus.

After slipping on these attractive gem encrusted arm bracers (Varma, was slightly vain), the alignment change was instant. Varmai made her way to Dorakaa and was there accepted into the ranks of the dread servants of luz. Her return to Greyhawk is for the purposes of spying and assassinating enemies of Iuz within the Free City.

At this stage, Varmai conceals her alignment change and behaves to PCs in the same way as before, except that she will not attend any lawful good church, always finding a good reason to stay away. She will gradually begin to change to a clearly different personality, first betraying non-lawful tendencies and then neutral ones, finally showing more evil impulses and behavior-this latter only at the end of a long pattern of changed behavior. She will also gradually develop links with other evil groups in the Free City-as the DM sees fit for the purpose of advancing storylines with respect to such groups as the Shapechangers, the Cult of the Shriven Sickle. Agarat Esiassen 's graverobbers. and others.

At an early stage, Varmai will reveal her newfound talents as a mage; it will not take her long to progress, given her XP bonus, and the profile below can be used for her within a couple of months or so of her original return with the bracers.

AC 0(plate mail + 1 and protection + 2 effect from bracers; see below MV 12; F7/M5; hp 57; THAC0 13; #AT3/2; Dmg 2d4 + 2 or 2d4 + 5 (bastard sword + 1, +4 vs. reptiles Str 17, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 17, Wis 11, Cha 13; SA controls undead as 7th level priest; AL NE.

Spells: 4 1st, 2 2nd, and 1 3rd.

Spells typically memorized (spellbook from Dorakaa): charm person, magic missile ( x 2), protection from good, invisibility, stinking doud, fly.

Magical items: plate mail + 1; bastard sword + 1, +4 vs. reptiles; amulet of proof against detection and location, ring of free action, and a special pair of bracers (see below).


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