
Veluna: Veluna is Furyondy’s number one most important ally. Ambassador Canon Gellain is warmly received by Belvor at all times. Veluna props up Furyondy with aid, including money, Velunese militia stationed in Highfolk and Chendl, goods, and information gathered for the king by its peerless seers and sages. Veluna knows that if Furyondy were to fall to Iuz, Veluna would be next, sandwiched between Iuz and the Ketites, who allied with the evil demigod during the war. Furyondy's ambassador in Mitrik, Count Paralen Isenben, is a distant cousin of Belvor and is reputedly an outstanding diplomat.

The closeness of this alliance causes Belvor some problems. There is no doubt that Gellain is a somewhat overbearing man, whose influence is often credited for the very generous treatment Rao’s churches and temples receive in Chendl and elsewhere. There is resentment and muttering about Furyondy’s king bowing down to some foreign priest. Baron Kalinstren is very vocal on this point. As an ardent convert to the chaotic faith of Trithereon, his barbs cause genuine friction at the Noble Council when Gellain attends. There is, of course, a tragic element of recent Veluna-Furyondy history. Belvor’s son by his first wife, young Prince Avras, was to have been married to the landowning priestess Jolene of Veluna. There were even plans for uniting the nations, with the Archcleric of Veluna City ruling in matters spiritual and King Avras IV in matters temporal after Belvor’s long reign came to a close. The Prince was abducted shortly before the wars began. Supposedly, this was done by agents of the Scarlet Brotherhood, but Belvor’s determined searching for such agents has yielded only the smallest evidence of Brotherhood involvement. Magical scrying has suggested to Belvor that his son is dead, and the king's energies are now thrown wholly into rebuilding his nation.


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