Veni Jarrison, Priest of Mayaheine

AC 0 (plate mail + 1, shield + 1 MV 9; F7/ Pr8; hp 49; THACO 14; #AT 3/2; Dmg 2d4 + 2 (bastard sword + I, flametongue Str 17, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 11, Wis 17, Cha 17; AL LG.

Spells: 5 lst, 5 2nd, 4 3rd, 2 4th (typically bless, cure light wounds ( X 3), detect evil; aid, holdperson ( x 2), resist fire/cold, silence 15’ra- dius; cure disease, dispel magic, glyph of ward- ing, prayer; cure serious wounds, free action). Bonus spells as specialty priest of Mayaheine: cloak of bravery, protection from evil 10‘ radius (double duration).

Magical items: plate mail + 1, shield + 1, ring of protection +2, bastard sword + 1, flame- tongue, potion of invulnerability

Veni is a fresh-faced Leukish man who looks younger than his 29 years. He stands 6’ tall exactly and weighs a trim 177 Ibs. He has red- blond hair and striking green eyes. Striding out in his plate mail and flowing white and gold robes, Veni is an impressive sight.

Veni is now head of the Church of Mayaheine in Greyhawk City. He knows that the Duchy of Urnst is politically involved in supporting the nations of good, but he’s impatient with that. After his war experiences in Nyrond, where the youthful fighter was converted to Mayaheine’s cult and took an oath as an acolyte, Veni hungers for more active involvement in the affairs of the world.

In Greyhawk, his impassioned sermons have caught the imagination of many veterans. Fighters from the Shield Lands, Furyondy, Nyrond, and other beleaguered lands find Veni’s honesty and plain speaking refreshing and inspirational, and his congregation is growing steadily. The authorities are not entirely happy about this. They feel, in particular, that one of his sermons was probably to blame for the residence of the am- bassador of Iuz being burned to the ground. Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on one’s point of view), Pyremiel was not at home at the time, but it caused a real furor, and Veni was summoned to the Directors and threatened with exile. Since then, he’s been a little more tactful with his sermons.

Veni feels that his success in attracting worshipers is a sign of Mayaheine’s favor. What he really wants to do now is to set out for the borderlands (of Iuz, preferably) and make inspirational rallying-calls. He balances his intentions between fighting and building better protections for threatened folk. Collections at his church support northern Fuyondy and the Highfolk in particular (the “defense fund,” as Veni calls it).

Veni is a character who will certainly attract increasing attention-from the authorities, from evil folk who will wish to see him assassinated, and from the powerful forces of good who will seek to use his energies for their own ends. Despite his wisdom. Veni's enthusiasm is often edged with naivete, so he'll have to learn fast. Perhaps, after all, his energies will find their best niche on the ramparts, in territories more threatened than the Free City itself.


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