Vesparian Lafanel "Vesper"

Vesper is a male grey elf 5'3" tall weighing 100 lbs. His hair is dyed black' offseting his pale face and violet eyes. Vesper is second-ranking within the Assassins' Guild, and is an intriguing character. In town he is wholly a teetotaler, and extremely fastidious-he bathes every day, uses lots of scented oil on himself, and dresses in conservative but very expensive clothes. When adventuring, he appears to alternate between being vigilant to the point of paranoia and being moderately carefree, sometimes to the extent of domg foolhardy things. He is, in fact extremely brave and a very good companion to his trusted friends (of whom he has extremely few).

Vesper covets and owns many magical items. (The DM can add to the list given above if desired.) He has several spell ~oo~s. some in secret and trapped places ~n his own pawn shop, and others stored m the Guild of Wizardry.

Vesper is very proud of his "art " as he refers to it. A clean, quick assasination is greatly preferable to hacking some wretched creature to death with axes and swords, in his view. He uses spells such as invisibility and fly to enable him to do his work, and he has an exceptional knowledge of poisons-he has had most of his 433 years to study them. Oddly, when adventunng (as opposed to assassinating, Vesper does not use lethal poisons (instead carrying ones which slow enemies and the like he thinks the use of lethal poison at such times casts doubt on his personal prowess and honor. His very high Intelligence and low Wisdom make him the perfect assassin-very smart, but not in touch with his (or any one else's) emotions. He is cold, calculatmg, and very thorough. He has a notable hatred of dwarves, for which Turin rebukes him- until he reminds Turin of his own hatred of humanoids. "At least I don't kill dwarves on sight," he points out. Tunn has no answer to this.

Vesper handles much administrative work for the guild (collecting fees, keeping a register of actions, etc.), which is all noted in a great ledger which Vesper has paid to have a symbol of stunning inscribed upon (he keeps the book wrapped in black cloth). The book also has explosive runes within it on the first page, and other magical protections against the unwary reader.

Vesper is usually in his shop, if not away adventuring. Since he is a teetotaler, he will rarely be found in taverns, unless he is dining with Turin or, less commonly, a middle-ranking mage (Vesper is in very good standing with the Guild of Wizardry whose members at least pretend to be aware of his career as an assassin). He is not sociable or gregarious, even to other elves, and is thus difficult to approach.

From Adventure Begins

Vesparian “Vesper” Lafanel*, Guildmaster of the Guild of Assassins [NE em T11/W10; hp 58; Dex 17, Con 16, Int 17, Cha 15; age unknown but less than 100 (young areas S5/ 127]. Conservative, cold, professional, ruthlessly aggressive against perceived enemies of the city, his guild, or himself; does not discuss his past or personal life; greatly dislikes dwarves; an intellectual sociopath feared by many; extremely dangerous to cross.

AC 2/0 (bracers of defense AC 5 and Dex 17; boots of speed MV 12; M7 /T7; hp 41; THAC0 17/15; #AT 1; Dmg 1d8 +2 (long sword +2 Str 12, Dex 17, ~on ~6, Int 17, Wis 7, Cha 15; SA + 1 to hit with sword or bow; AL N.

Spells: 4 1st , 3 2nd, 2 3rd, and 1 4th.

Magical items: bracers of defense AC 5, boots of speed, Jong sword + 2 amulet of proof against detection and iocation crystal ball with dairaudience, wand of magic missiles, potions of extra-healing (at least 2 at all times), and scrolls of lower-level spells.


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