Wall of Force

Chapter 2 presents the prices for using a wall of force as building material, which requires the Create Wondrous Item feat to build walls as wondrous architecture. What if you simply cast a permanent wall of force?

Wall of force neatly avoids the bane of other permanency options: the dispel magic spell. When cast directly, it only makes featureless, flat vertical walls. You can’t make doorways or windows, so it’s not much good for your stronghold itself. For a freestanding wall outside your stronghold, it’s much better. In that case, the wall of force is the best, most durable material to use for a wall.

Permanent walls of force can be useful inside the stronghold as well. For instance, using a wall of force as one wall of a room gives the equivalent of a huge picture window with “glass” stronger than steel. Some builders install wall of force hemispheres as skylights in the ceilings of their main halls or even their bedchambers or laboratories. They also make wonderfully protective shells for those who wish to study the skies in the ultimate in observatories.

Casting: 450 gp (Wiz9) or 500 gp (Sor10)

Permanent: 13,150 gp (13th)


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