
Watton was the great festival market town of Tenh. Its population of 12,000 doubled during the Growfest and famed Brewfest markets and fairs, with merchants coming from the length and breadth of the Flanaess to trade. The laws were relaxed at such times so that even bandits and men from Aerdi, carefully watched, admittedly, could be found among the stalls and markets together with Tenhas, barbarians, Nyrondese, Urnst men and many others. Oxen, horses, saddling and riding gear, fine lances, spears, arrows, foods, and cloths of all kinds could be had by a man who managed to resist the temptations of Watton's fine brewers and their produce. Ladies of dubious virtue and cutpurses also thronged the markets and taverns, of course.

Beneath a semblance of normal life, three groups are secretly struggling for power, each aware of the others existence. However, the Fists know nothing of their activities and don't even know of the existence of any besides Iuz's men. Iuz's agents, led by the mage Cydrinell, regard Watton as a good source of supplies for the hungry western lands. However, a renegade marilith served by four succubi works within the town, using magical charm/suggestion and like powers to stymie Iuz's agents. The marilith is part of an Abyssal faction opposed to Graz'zt and she both spies on Iuz's men and sabotages their efforts to influence the Fists and trade with them. The third faction is a group of some 30 dwarves who once worked in Watton as stonemasons, builders and artisans, and have now taken up residence in the undercity. Since they built and/or designed much of the town, they made sure that there were many areas below the town where passages were comfortable for dwarves but too small for humans to walk except in severely hunched postures.


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