Weapons, Taxes, and Magic

The laws pertaining to these three is sues are the most likely ones for PCs to possibly run afouJ of in their early days in the city.

It is legal to wear any armor about town, but weapons are another matter. The following objects may be carried freely: dagger, dart, sling, staff, staff sling, club, and knife. While it is permitted for people to carry other weapons, they may only do so legally if they obtain a license from the office of the Captain General of the Watch (in the Citadel). License costs vary from 5 gp long sword, broad sword) to 20 gp (two-handed sword), and the clerks will make careful notes about PCs and their weapons, especially paying heed to distinguishing characteristics which might enable PCs to be tracked down if they are involved in acts of violence. Licenses are not given for weapons larger than a two-handed sword, so that halberds, pikes, and the like may not be legally carried in the streets of the city.

Taxes are a special case. The basic taxes of Greyhawk have been noted in Chapter 1, but the nefarious and sinister head of the GRS (Greyhawk Revenue Service) needs detailing here.

Articles under Weapons, Taxes, and Magic


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