Westryn elves Ethnicity in Greyhawk | World Anvil

Westryn elves

Once part of the greater elven race, the Westryn elves have branched away from their Cumasti cousins since the Black Queen’s fall and her father’s curse on the Forest Realms of the West. The “Black Curse,” as the Westryn call it, has made it impossible for the Westryn to produce viable offspring with any other race. This fact coupled with a policy of isolation has alienated them from other races and cultures. Personality: The serious and rarely smiling Westryn elves are the sourest bunch of grapes on the good races’ vine. Westryn elves have large chips on their shoulders and are extremely xenophobic. They rarely trust any race outside of other elves, and those few individuals that they do trust have won that prize only after a hard-fought struggle. Westryn are quiet but quick to anger and are blunt and brusque with other races. Physical Description: Westryn are slightly taller than their Cumasti cousins. They stand between 5 and 6 feet tall, with no difference in height based on gender. They are powerfully built and swarthy — they are not slight or of pale complexion like the Cumasti. Westryn eyes range in color from dark green to deep blue, and their hair varies from greenish-blonde to shimmering raven black. All other physical attributes of the Westryn mirror the PHB elf racial entry (see the PHB, Chapter 2: Races, “Elves”). Alignment: Westryn elves do not care for the activities of any other race, save those of their Cumasti cousins. They are indifferent towards most good races but act with open suspicion toward humans and dwarves. Orcs, goblins, and ogres are the Westryn’s bitterest living enemies, battling them in the Peaks of Booh and the Gargoyle Hills. Yet of all creatures that roam the world, Westryn reserve their deepest hatred for undead. Westryn, especially those from the Wild Realm near the Duchy of Ten, consider it their personal duty to destroy all undead creatures. Because of these unique feelings, Westryn are considered neutral in alignment. Elven Lands of the West: The Westryn rule over the six Forest Realms of the West. This dominion is actually the origin of their racial name; human explorers could not understand the thick Elven accent of these people when they called themselves the “Peoples of the Western Woods.” The Forest Realms of the West include the Western Realm, the Wild Realm, the Greenwood, and several minor regions. The Westryn capital is in the Western Realm, located within the Westwood’s confi nes. Most Westryn live within the Westwood, keeping close to family, clan, and king. The Wild Realm, within the Wilds of Ten, borders the Duchy of Ten. The Wild Realms’ king laid the Black Curse, and the Black Queen is said to hail from this dark land. The Green Realm is found in the Greenwood north of the Tower of Booh; sadly, the wood’s southern portion was lost to undead long ago. The fi nal three realms are minor realms, which Westryn consider backward and rustic. These realms are located in the Westwood, Pelham Wood, and Unicorn Wood. Ruins of a small Westryn realm are found in the Bloodwood, on the western shore of Blood Lake, north of Boggy Bottom. The Blood Realm, as it is now called, is fi lled with elven undead — cursed by a powerful wizard for some unknown crime.
Religion: Most Westryn clergy are druids who worship Faunus, King of the Divine Forest and Lord of the Wilds. Small sects of worshippers bow their heads to the Six Elemental Lords. Westryn rarely worship the peaceful elven goddess Ordana, but whisper her name with reverence at births and funerals.
Languages: The Westryn speak their own dialect of the Elven root language and the Common tongue of man. Very few speak additional languages, other than Sylvan and the Cumasti dialect. Male Names: Anvodrim, Berurthane, Calarg, Garodrarg, Glad, Glormak, Gramgel, Imanak, Imginarg, Imgudrune, Korodrand, Kuhisheth, Lorard, Malermone, Thimakil, Thirolay, Thorengrorn, Torarak, Ugrorthorn, Urthim. Female Names: Bagolim, Celadrog, Ceridrone, Glind, Gloshmorn, Harangrath, Ibonarg, Imgirkine, Ingak, Itrak, Lathith, Lireth, Lumikorn, Thashangrarg, Thomitrim, Thongrak, Ungarthorn, Vorin, Vosagrorn, Zovorn. Family Names: Amusse, Brate, Calo, Drindae, Flassa, Jaleel, Menan, Mesun, Opael, Saru, Yubalem. Adventurers: Typical Westryn elves like to stay within the confi nes of their forest homes. Most Westryn are born, live, and die within the Forest Realms of the West without ever stepping foot into the outside world. However, a few exceptions do exist. When trouble threatens the Westryn, their best warriors go out into the world to seek and destroy the danger’s source. Westryn send envoys to the Cumasti and must protect them while they travel through the lands of man, orc, and dwarf. Those few Westryn that choose to take on the world as adventurers fi nd it an alien place, full of strange locales and beings they never imagined could have existed.


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