Wizards of Greyhawk

Thee factors have changed the internal politics of the Guild of Wizardry. First is the destruction of Otiluke, previously the President of the Society of Magi. Kieren Jalucian has been forced to take on this role, in addition to his duties as Guildmaster. This is against his will, but an alternative acceptable candidate really couldn’t be found. The doubling of roles makes Kieren feel overly burdened, especially with Jallarzi Sallavarian (FFF, p.27) being increasingly absorbed with the business of the Circle of Five. Kieren therefore tends to withdraw from involvements somewhat, and the Guild of Wizardry is more insular and less confident than before the War.

Second, there has been a significant increase in associate members of the Guild as exiled Nyrondese wizards, in particular, have taken up residence in Greyhawk. More of these mages are of good alignments than is true for native Guildmembers. Their attempts to pressure ’ the Greyhawk Guild, with its excellent magical resources, into more active support of Nyrond has created tensions within it. This division further weakens the Guild.

Third, the arrival of Philidor, the Blue Wizard, in the Free City (one year to the day before the Pact of Greyhawk was signed) caused consternation within the Guild’s senior ranks. Everyone is aware that he is a supremely skilled wizard, extremely polite toward Guild seniors and responsive to their invitations. But he never issues invitations himself. Further, those who talk to him find it extremely difficult to say what they intend. Something about Philidor’s unstinting friendliness and cozy conversation seems utterly to disarm everyone. Until the Guild can figure this man out, the senior wizards feel disadvantaged and insecure.


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