Wolf Nomads Armies

Although the Wolf Nomads (also known as Wegwiur) are similar in nature to their western cousins, the Chakyik, their strategic situation is much more tenuous. Their traditional enemies, the Tiger Nomads to the west and the Rovers of the Barrens to the east, are bad enough, but with the rise of Iuz to the southeast, they find themselves with a plethora of enemies to test themselves against.

Of course for the Wegwiur, this is a wonderful state of affairs.

As of CY 578, the combined might of the Wolf Nomads is as follows, reflecting losses against Iuz during his abortive siege of the Wegwiur capital town of Eru-Tovar:

• 9,000 light cavalry with lances

• 6,000 light cavalry with lances and short bows

• 2,000 medium cavalry with lances, wearing splinted mail

• 1,000 medium cavalry with crossbows, wearing splinted mail

Eru-Tovar itself is protected by a garrison of 2,000 infantry armed with spears and bows.

It should also be noted that at least one of the Wegwiur clans is in open revolt against the Tarkhan of the Wegwiur, and thus are not counted in the forces above. The Guchek clan (Wild Dog People) hold territory on the eastern edge of Lake Quag, and their Khan commands the following troops:

• 500 light cavalry with scimitars

• 300 light cavalry with short bows

• 200 medium cavalry with crossbows, wearing splinted mail

These arms are provided by Perrenland, which persuaded the Guchek to leave the service of the Tarkhan. It is unknown whether this situation will endure, but it has proven a distraction for the Wegwiur for the last few months.

Like their cousins to the west, the Wegwiur are best represented by Mongols, but some creative solutions may have to be employed to show the mounted crossbowmen. Fortunately some companies sell weapons, including crossbows, that can be attached to existing figures.


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