Word of Guard

Attributes: ................Intellect & Bardic Voice

Level: .........................DF: 4 BCS 30%; 600 Exp

Resisted ....................PSF% of Caster

[TR] The character has learned how to counter spells by uttering the correct word of guard for that spell. He must have at least basic knowledge in the spell being cast. Upon beginning to cast the spell, the opposing wizard may attempt to counter. He must be within range to hear the casting wizard, as well as have fluency in the language the spell is being cast in. Should the guarding character not speak the language the spell is being cast in or has not mastered fluency in it, he may still make a skill roll, as he can asses the gestures and tone of mantra to give him an idea of the spell that is coming.

He may spend 1 FP to rush a word of guard, if the spell being cast would not normally allow time to speak the word of guard. Words of guard are rapid responses to give protection in such situations, after all.

A successful 1D100% roll is needed for the word to take effect, the guarding character suffers a penalty of -PSF% of the opposing caster in the mode of Magecraft he is using to the target the spell.

On a success with a word of guard the opposing spell becomes a resisted roll and he must subtract the PSF% of the guarding character’s mode of magick from his success chance with the following possible results:

• If both attacker and defender succeed in their rolls the attacking spell is cast successfully.

• If the word of guard with a critical success (10 on the crit die with a successful roll). The attacking mage fails to cast his spell.

• If both have a success and crit die of 10 the spell goes off; however it’s effects are as if it was a normal success.

There is one mage who is almost undefeatable with a word of guard and that is the thaumaturge, for he is able to cast his spells by the use of powders and smokes. These types of spells have no spoken component to them to be heard, no gestures to see and interpret. Lacking that knowledge how then would a mage know which word of guard to use against his spells.


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