Attributes: .................Strength & Agility
Level: .........................DF: 4 BCS n/a; 600 Exp
The character is trained in a specialised form of fighting using restraining methods, holds, kicks and throws; this is very popular as a sport with heavy betting in the circles.
Non-wrestlers counter a wrestler’s moves with only ½ their PSF% in brawling. Similarly their grapples and throws are only made with ½ their PSF% in brawling against a trained wrestler. Table Wrestling Results can be consulted to give the various results of the action.
Restraining is much the same as a throw for resolution however this time any success means that the wrestler has grappled and restrained his opponent. The next part is to see if the defender can break the hold. This is done with a resisted roll both making Wrestling TSC% a non-wrestlers using their brawling skill at ½ PSF%. The defender must make a successful skill roll and roll equal or better than the attack on the d10 crit die.
Any failure to maintain the hold gives the advantage to the defender on the next move and the roles are reversed with the defender gaining the initiative. If he chooses to maintain the hold he does so with a +10% chance to his TSC%. If he chooses to make a toss he does so at +10% to his TSC%. The defender loses -1 FP for his attempt to break the restrain. On a failure he loses an additional -1 FP for the efforts of his futile struggles.
A trial of strength, where the two wrestlers are locked together in combat costs the defender -2 FP and the attacker -1 FP per combat turn and is undertaken as follows.
Both wrestlers make STR AR rolls. To break the hold the defender must succeed with his STR AR roll. However if the attack also succeeds the defender must have a higher roll on his Crit Die to be able to break the hold.
Once the hold is broken the advantage goes to the escapee (+10% to his TSC% on his next move) and the former attack loses an additional -2 FP for his vain attempt to prevent the escape.
The downside to the trial of strength is that should a defender fail to break the hold he loses an additional - 2FP, that is a total of -4 FP lost in a turn; with the attack still having the advantage.
Wrestling is ineffective against non-bipedal creatures in the case of tosses; however provided the wrestler is big enough and strong enough he may be able to grapple and successfully restrain a four legged creature under favourable conditions. It is his strength against the animals.