Xerien Albhart Dreamer

Xerien is 17 years old, 5'2" tall, 81 lbs .. with chestnut brown hair worn long and green eyes. Her dress depends on where she is encountered; she has many jobs. She is a waitress at the Wizard's Hat Inn, and also makes a little money as an extra from time to time at the Playhouse, or in a minor acting role. She lives in a room in the Thieves' Quarter.

Xerien is a sad case-a young girl who thinks she can make it as a serious actress whereas, in fact, she just doesn't have the ability. Her low Wisdom prevents her from becoming even a decent actress, and also from seeing that fact. She loves to talk about theatre, and art generally, with the patrons of the Wizard's Hat if they will spare her any time, which many do after seeing the girl's hurt expression when they try to shoo her off-she looks like a kicked puppy. Since she knows most cultured locations in Greyhawk, an encounter with PCs can be set up with her as an informant when they arrive in the city-she does sup and take wine elsewhere in the New City.

Xerien is a refugee from Admundfort after the invasion of the Shield Lands, and she will say to someone who has gained her confidence that her father is someone important, and she will be coyly mysteri ous about this. No one ever believes her, of course, and since her mother-con fined to a sickbed long before the difficult birth which killed her-never told her fa ther about the child, hoping to produce the infant as a surprise, probably no one knows. The truth is, she is Nerof Gas gal's illegitimate daughter, product of a dalliance with a young and flirtatious thief in the days when Nerof did that sort of thing. She does not closely resemble him unless one looks at the two together carefully, and he has not seen her other than briefly. If someone knew of this, the possibilities for intrigue for obvious, and all that is necessary is for the OM to de cide which person, or tiny handful of peo ple, do know ....

AC 7 (Dex 17 MV 12; T3; hp 14; THAC0 19/17; /#AT 1; Dmg 1d4 +1 (dagger + 1 Str 10, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 7, Cha 13; AL N (CN).

Thieving skills: PP 40, OL 40, FT 30, MS 35. HS 25, DN 25, CW 70, RL 0.

Magical item: dagger + 1.


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