Zender the Greater Daemon

Zender is a Greater Demon. Not sure if he is a Demon Lord

AC - 5; MV 15, Fl 15 (C), Sw 15; HD 14 +28; hp 91; THAC0 5; #AT 2; Dmg 2d4/2d4; SA spell-like powers; SD + 2 or better weapon to hit, ring of spell storing; MR 80%; Int Supra-genius; AL NE: SZ M; XP 13,000

Zender may use any of the following, one per round: fear (by touch), charm person or monster, teleport without error, ESP, clainroyance, clairaudience, illusion (as the wand), suggestion,mislead, magic jar, telekinese (120 lb. weight). Once per day Zender can use wall of fire (2d6 + 15 points of damage), blade barrier. and a symbol of persuasion, insanity, or hopelessness.

Lastly, Zender's ring of spell storing (stolen from here) contains the spells cure critical wounds, cure disease, and remore curse. The daemon is certainlv ready to cure damage done to it if necessary.

Lesser Daemon: AC -1; MV 9; HD 8; hp 40; THAC0 13; #AT 3; Dmg 1d6/ 1d12 /1d12; SA fire breath 10' x 30' cone for 5d6 damage (3/day SD +2 or better weapon to hit, immune to fire and first level spells; Int Very; AL N (E SZ M; XP 4.000.


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