Zendrelda's Tower

Atop a tall crag in the forested hills stands a stone lighthouse. Everyone knows of it and the continual light that radiates from its cupola tower; all smilingly refer to “the mad woman” who built it (using wall of stone spells).

Zendrelda is a gaunt, grey-haired wizard in her late fifties who believes that the Greyhawk Wars presage the end of Oerik by a great flood. She has built this place as a refuge and a beacon for the ships that will save a chosen few. The lighthouse is some 200 feet high, visible for quite some distance.

Zendrelda is crazy, of course, and her home contains many weird and eccentric minor magical devices (she is a 12th-level wizard). However, she has found one who shares her faith-a humble, sycophantic acolyte- Kerreth Sylvian. Unknown to her, Kerreth is a 6th-level priest of Iuz wearing an amulet against detection and location who uses this base to spy out the lands and peoples around. He specifically watches out for any attempts to impair Celene’s isolationism. He feigns complete belief in Zendrelda’s deluded notions, but is highly cunning and evil.


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