Zoran Sarraith Rhennee Lord

Zoran is 38 years old, 5'7" tall, 141 lbs., with typical Rhennee build and color. He has a scar running from just below his left earlobe halfway around his throat, a permanent reminder of an unsuccesful assassination attempt. Zoran has two "wives," Mestrella and Avien, aboard his barge, with 3 guards and 16 ordinary Rhennee folk, plus 5 children. They are all family members, and are highly loyal to Zoran.

Zoran is as loyal to the Shriven Sickle, and to his Horned Society paymasters, as hts pay and his growing fear of them make him. For a large enough sum of money, he would tell all he knows to an enemy of the Shriven Sickle and then flee to a far distant land to ply his trade. In Greyhawk, his only contact with the Shriven Sickle is through Pietain, but he knows that there are at least four priests of Nerull in the group. The DM should consider carefully what further information Zoran knows and will reveal-he will lie if he thinks he can get away with it -and how much money will be needed to get him to talk (it should certainly be thousands of gold pieces).

AC 3 (leather armor +2 and Dex 17 MV 12; F9/T11; hp 75; THAC0 11/9; #AT 3/2; Dmg 1d6 +2 (short sword+ 1) or 1d4 +3 (dagger +2 Str 17, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 14; SA quadruple damage from backstab, blade venoms; AL NE.

Magical items: leather armor + 2, short sword + 1, dagger + 2.


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