
Zulern is a village of 3 1.5 folk, run by members of the guilds-really, the senior blacksmith, tanner, stonemason (there are small stone quarries north of the village) and anyone else they feel like co-opting. Zulern is an unusual community in that most of its folk are neutrally-aligned, hard-working, decent people who deeply resent the raids from bandits from surrounding territories (notably Pelgaryn). It also includes a group of 16 high elves, including a fighterlwizard and a priestess of Erevan Ilesere, who is often absent, traveling within the Gnarley and Welkwood.

Zulern has accepted Greyhawk‘s rule; a force of some 20 militia is stationed here. One member is noteworthy: an 8th-level fighter-lieutenant native of the village, who commands the garrison and is a lay preacher of the cult of Mayaheine (which is growing in popularity in Zulern). The local militia is increasingly well armed and armored.


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