A History of Alhaster

An old record of Alhaster's history, written by a cleric of St Cuthbert named Rhorsk only a few months before Zeech seceded from the Shield Lands to form the Principality of Redhand.   The document details various details about the city's political movements, but one passage in particular was annotated heavily by this copy's most recent owner, former Circle of Eight Member Balakarde. It recounts the emergence and influence of a cabal of Hextorian heretics who attempted to establish an underground cult somewhere in the city, a cult dedicated to the ascension of their god into something greater. This cult made particular use of what Rhorsk called "The Writhing Dead." The cult was defeated with the aid of one of Alhaster's greatest spellcasters, a noble elven sage named Lashonna, but its leaders escaped persecution. In the margins of this account, Balakarde has written an extensive note:  
Alhaster is the key.
Missing Heretics never captured... possible site of the Ebon Triad foundation? Did they turn to the cult of Erythnul for aid, and then more secretly to that of Vecna? Are new Triad leaders trained somewhere in Alhaster, and then sent out to start their own cult cells in other cities?

To Do:
Lashonna (helped defeat heretics, may know more about them that wasn't printed)
Rhorsk (research indicates he did not flee Alhaster after it fell - he's probably dead but may have left some sort of legacy)
Ebon Triad (are they still active in town? Find out if this original Hideout/Shrine still exists)
Record, Logbook