Beory (bay-OH-ree)

Beory is the Flan goddess of the Oerth, nature, and rain. She is also known as the Oerth Mother. Her symbol is either a green disk marked with a circle or a rotund, female figurine.   She is usually regarded a manifestation of Oerth itself. She is a distant goddess, even from her clergy, and little concerns her except the fate and prosperity of the entire world. She is also distant from other deities, even those who share a similar interest, and it is possible her connection to the Oerth consumes her attention. Her name is well known throughout the Flanaess, although she is primarily a Flan deity.

Divine Domains

Nature, Life

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Beory's holy weapon is a club. Her symbol is a stone disc with a fat, middle-aged woman cradling Oerth in her arms.

Tenets of Faith

  • Live in harmony with Oerth, as a healthy part of its ecosystem.
  • Do not act in haste, always consider the bigger picture.
  • Do not overconsume, take no more than you need from nature, and always give back.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

A passive deity, Beory is a manifestation of Oerth itself. She is distant, even from her followers, but her power is manifest in every twig and leaf. She does not actively pursue any agenda, but simply lives through the endless natural cycles of life and death. She loves the planet, and her essence is entwined with it. If she has any goal, it is protection and proliferation of Oerth.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity