Blackwall Keep

This square stone fortress stares sternly over the Mistmarsh


The tower is a square stone structure with a narrow balcony encircling it on its second floor, and a false hill concealing the first floor. The tower's flat top is crenelled, and the second and third floor sport narrow slits for arrows.


The fortress sits at the top of a hill overlooking the Mistmarsh. Its elevation is a total of 30 ft. above the marsh level, with the hillside cut into steep ridges to halt outside advances. Adding to these measures, pointed stakes jut out of the hillside, pointing away from the keep.   The fortress itself is built of black stone, and consists of a single ground floor with a tower.   The entire first-floor is located underground, buried under the false hill. The second level of the tower has a balcony. it makes climbing difficult and allows defenders a good vantage point.   Next to the keep is a stockaded horse corral, partially embedded in the false hill.


The keep was established in the Post-Greyhawk Wars to maintain the Domain's border against the indigenous population of the Mistmarsh. The tribes of the Mistmarsh had hunting territory that extended beyond the marsh itself, into the areas where colonial Oerdians were building villages and walls, and so Blackwall Keep to the north, and Marsh Keep to the west, were set up to keep these tribes corralled.
Founding Date
587 CY
Owning Organization
Related Report (Primary Locations)