Fragment of the Rod of Seven Parts: Tip

This fragment can be used to cast Heal once per day without expending spell slots or material components.   The Rod Fragment emanates a lawful energy. Chaotic creatures who handle it become more lawful over time.   Lawful creatures who hold a piece of the Rod and think of it as part of a larger whole can make an Arcana check to determine the direction of a larger segment. Since this fragment is the largest, it cannot be used in this way.


A fragment of the Rod of Law, forged by the Wind Dukes. It was the Rod of Law which won the battle against the Queen of Chaos. As it struck the Queen's general, Miska the Wolf-Spider, it shattered into seven pieces and scattered across the multiverse. The collision of the Rod's lawful powers against the chaotic creature forged an impenetrable seal around the fiendish general, and he remains trapped inside to this day.
Item type
1 lb
Raw materials & Components
Unknown materials