Ring of the Wind Dukes

The Ring of the Wind Dukes bestows -2 penalty to the ability scores and proficiency bonus of a chaotic creature that wears it. These demerits are removed when the ring is removed.   While wearing the ring, the wearer ignores the effects of strong winds, and gains Resistance to Lightning and Thunder damage. Once per day, a creature wearing this ring may use Charm Monster against any creature native to the Plane of Air without expending a spell slot or material components.  
Once per long rest, as a standard action, a creature wearing this ring can transform into a 60-foot-long line of lightning originating from their current position. Creatures in this line must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity Saving throw or take 10d6 points of Lightning damage. Creatures who succeed on their saving throw take half damage. The wearer returns to physical form at the opposite end of the line of lightning.


A Ring symbolizing the order of the Wind Dukes
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Raw materials & Components
A platinum ring set with four large, pale sapphires carved with runes of Law.