Session 61: Dwarf Hole

General Summary

The party rested in the halls of the Roodberg clansmen. In the morning, Lins and her previous-acquaintance-now-companion Trislee set out while the warlock slept. They asked around, and travelled to the pasture where the worms appeared.   At first they found not much, but the remains of a pyre where the remains had been destroyed. However, as Trislee examined the landscape, she noticed that it was different from the plains she'd explored with her teams. Namely, there was not a single insect to be found.   This prompted the team to investigate the ground more closely; they found it perforated with worm-size holes. So they started digging.   They didn't get very far with their shovel, but with tenacity and teamwork they got around fifteen feet down and found nothing but continued tunnels, each about as wide as a little finger. They considered looking for a cave closer to the foothills, but decided to exhaust this option first.   Exhausted but certain they were on the right track, they returned to town for help. They told the clan elders what they had seen and Conall, the shaman, agreed to go back with them. His command of the natural elements expidited their efforts, and soon they were well over one hundred feet below the earth, where they struck green.   They staggared back from the writhing menace, and with a prayer to Merikka, goddess of all that is good and growing, Connall rebuked the worms. In the brief respite, they discussed their next move.   The party debated, but in the end decided they had come too far to turn back; the source of the worms may well be underground. They continued excavating the earth, drawing each magically-relocated block of ground back to the surface to keep their escape clear. Eventually, they intersected the roof of a large cavern.   It was at least one hundred feet tall - very likely more, and certainly widerthan it was tall. Across its base gurgled a murky underground river, cloudy and unreflective. The earth writhed in a dizzying way that Lins recognized from Kuluth-Mar: it was saturated with worms.   The curtains close as the party prepares to censure the undead worms within the cavern, and continue their search for the source of the trouble.
Report Date
28 Nov 2022