Session 68: The Terraced Aquarium

General Summary

When the warlock tumbled out of the spellbook-of-hero-storing, Trislee had (mostly) composed herself, and Lins was searching the wall. Poking at it with her trusty 10-foot-pole, she uncovered a secret door, and after relieving the dead criminal of his magical boots, they went through it.   It opened on a narrow passage that reconnected to the main corridor. They searched around for tracks and discovered that a large, bipedal creature had passed through here and returned again some hours ago.   With their spell-slots spent, they decided to rest before trying the remaining branch from this path, so they returned to the room with the slippery floor and were pleased to discover an alcove covered by an illusory wall. This made as fine a place to camp as any other hard surface, and they passed a Long Rest.   When they awoke, they gathered their things and made their way down to the remaining door.   They beheld a Terraced Aquarium, a huge room with descending tiers of aquariums and terrariums, each housing horse-sized creatures of horrific visage.   They tried to distract the creatures with some rations, but they seemed only interested in living flesh, so Trislee cracked her knuckles, reversed gravity, and cleared a path to the door on the other side of the room. They battered their way past the few creatures who could resist her spell, and approached the door where a Magic Mouth greeted them.   It welcomed them in a halting but cheerful voice, and invited them to come inside but to please give a minute for the speaker to make himself presentable - don't get visitors too often, you know.   Meanwhile, the creatures bound to the ceiling were gathering over their heads.

Rewards Granted

  • Bluto's Boots of Striding and Springing
  • Key to the secret door
Report Date
13 Mar 2023
Primary Location