Session 69: Nice

General Summary

Trislee and Lins quickly shut the door behind them. They enjoyed a brief respite with their new halfling friend, who congratulated them on making it that far, but hoped they weren't planning to leave the beasties all riled up.   The party steeled themselves, and then Trislee cleared a path for Lins to rejoin the fray, polymorphing into a T-Rex.   Trislee dropped Reverse Gravity, sending the creatures who had recently slammed into the ceiling slamming into the floor, and finishing off a good deal of them. Between that, Nemara's long-range blasts, and Lins' new-and-improved Bite attack, they finished out the monsters and turned their attention to the halfling.   Quesnef heartily congratulated them on their victory, and offered them a hero's feast. He conjured delicious foods and drinks and listened to the party's tales of their adventure so far with a willing ear. When the tales ran out, though, they began to inquire about the legendary weapons hidden in the dungeon. Looking around the room, they had seen the hilt of a greatsword poking out from under the sofa where Quesnef now sat.   He fully admitted that Blackrazor was in his possession, but was unwilling to give it up.   "You wouldn't leave me unprotected, would you?" he asked.   The halfling was unwilling to accept any trade, as Blackrazor was indisputably a better weapon than any the party offered. He explained that Keraptis had him imprisoned here after he lost a bet, and unless the party could find a way to break the wizard's impressive job of keeping him locked in here, which had worked for several centuries so far, he wasn't giving up his only means of survival against the dungeon's wandering encounters.   Lins began casting Detect Magic to see if she could find any flaws in the imprisonment, and as the spell completed, she saw that Quenef was coated in heavy illusion magic (she also saw powerful necromancy coming from the greatsword under the couch.   Quesnef grabbed the sword and dropped his disguise in one action, revealing himself a gigantic Oni and paralyzing Lins with a gaze attack.   Trislee had managed to avert her eyes, and saw the magic being played. She quickly set up an antimagic field, maneuvered to keep her friends outside it, and successfully kept the Oni and his magical greatsword shut down for most of the following fight. Lins and Nemara hacked at it with blast and blade, and eventaully the creature fell.   Given the powerful necromantic energy coming off it, and the Oni's grim note that it was "only good for death," the party was reluctant to touch it. Nemara wrapped it in a throw blanket and stuck it in her pack.   They decided to rest in the considerably-more-comfortable-minus-the-giant-corpse room before continuing.

Rewards Granted

  • Blackrazor
  • Ivory statuette of elven man
  • Golden birdcage with bluish metal filigree
  • Bronze crownBox w/turquoise animal figurines
  • Gold ring inlaid with bloodstones
  • Brass mug with jade inlays
  • 4 potions (healing, greater healing one each, amberish brown potion, bubbling aqua potion)
  • Helmet w/green eyes
Report Date
04 Apr 2023
Primary Location