Session 71: Kani Maki

General Summary

The party stayed where they were; the Crab hadn't seen them yet. In low voices, they reviewed their options.   They decided that Lins would try to cast Polymorph, and if she failed, they'd stay near the doors to retreat if necessary. Nemara's long-range and sniper-accurate blasts would be missed, but as she hadn't emerged from the book since they woke up in Quesnef's room, it couldn't be helped.   Fortunately for the party, Polymorph went off without a hitch, and the gigantic crab shrank down to a tiny, harmless snail. Trislee almost crushed it in triumph before Lins warned her that doing so would knock it out of its polymorphed shape and back into the colossal crustacean.   They opened the chest without difficulty, and found Wave the legendary trident inside. The sentient trident greeted them in the voice of a salty sailor, inquiring if any of them felt the call of the sea in their hearts.   He was disappointed to learn that neither party member were followers of any oceanic deity, nor did they have any particular predilection toward the sea for its own sake. He explained that he was made to serve the sea and its gods, and that he simply could not connect with anyone who didn't share his convictions. He didn't need them to take clerical vows, but to be willing to serve Procan and venerate the sea, which to him was hardly a condition, but it gave the party pause.   They decided to mull their options over and not attune just yet. Wave hummed sea-shanties in their heads as they walked, and periodically reminded them of his stellar combat abilities, which of course could only work for an attuned wielder.   They made their way back to the three-way intersection, and took the final remaining pathway. They made their way through self-animating Green Slime, and found a room with several glass orbs. Deciding to check it out later, they backtracked and tried another door; this one had five flesh golems lined against the wall, each with a number branded into its chest.   "One of us does not belong with the others," they intoned in unison, "If you can pick it out, it will serve you and the others will let you pass. If you choose wrong, we will all kill you. You have sixty seconds."   The party thought quickly, and determined that 9 was the answer, it being the only non-prime number. Fortunately, they were correct, and left the room unbothered and having gained a doughty follower.   In the glass room, they busted several glass containers with gems, scrolls, potions, a magic ring that gave fantastic powers in exchange for consuming some of the wearer's life each year, and a key in each one. Unfortunately the last three all had enemies, and the room was a mess of blood and glass when Nemara tumbled out of the book again.

Rewards Granted

  • Gems
  • 300 lead pieces
  • Scroll of Fear
  • 12,000 gp
  • Potion (white, swirling)
  • several gems
  • jewelery
  • Scroll of hold person
  • Nine identical keys
  • silver ring conferring the once-per-day powers of invisibility, fly, haste, immunit yto charms, and detect magic, as well as a single-use wish. Powers lost if the ring is ever removed from the wearer.
Report Date
01 May 2023
Primary Location