Session 78: The Hornets' Nest

General Summary

With a yelp and a flash of holy light, Nemara entered Trislee's spellbook just as Lins gracefully tumbled out, the perfumed air of the feywild lingering for a moment on the air around her.   The two wizards stood in the husk of the Church of Blessed Deliverence, the dead of night mitigated by their darkvision, which was less helpful against the torrential rain.   Trislee filled Lins in in a hushed voice, and after some debate, they decided to return carefully  to the inn to rest, with Trislee invisible and Lins relying on her stealth skills.   Lins melted into the night as Trislee did her best to move unnoticed. Invisibility did not make her incorporeal or inaudible, and the rain created an Eladrin-shaped cutout in her space.   They got about half a block before a Blessed Angel swooped down and landed directly in front of Trislee.   "Halt! That building is forbidden, what were you doing inside?"   "Oh you know, just looking around." Trislee tried to affect calm as the angel stared her in the eyes, despite her invisibility.   The angel's hellfire eyes narrowed as she loosened her longsword and whip in their holdings.   "I advise you not to lie a second time. What were you doing in that building?"   Trislee tried to be evasive, but to no avail. Eventually, she fell to the Angel's charms and told her they were looking for Rhorsk because they thought he was connected to the Ebon Triad, which probably runs this whole creepy town.   The angel smiled.   "That's all I needed to hear."   A moment later, the angel's whip was wrapped around the wizard like a boa constrictor. From her concealed place, Lins realized she was out of time; she tried to cast a spell, but the Angel outsped her, and disappeared with Trislee.   ----   Lins' mind raced; she knew from her explorations earlier that the Angel must have taken Trislee back to the Aerie - a many-towered, dark stone building perched high on the cliffs over High Alhaster. She made her way there, skillfully avoiding the patrols of Watchers.   AT the gates, she decided to take the direct approach, flying over the wall and toward the towers. She didn't get far before two angels came out to give her battle. She had her hands full outmaneuvering them.   ----   The lack of rain told Trislee she was indoors. The tower was dark, its infernal occupants having no need for light. The angel who captured her said something triumphant in Infernal, and two of the four other angels in the room advanced foward; one to force Trislee's mouth open, the other holding a potion.   Trislee acted fast, convincing the Angels not to waste their potion on a creature who was already Friendly toward them. She gave them information - little things that she hoped they already knew, hardening her mind against their constant magical probes.   Eventually her thoughts cleared enough for her to remember a spell she could literally do with her hands behind her back, and she Misty Stepped to the window. Before her incensed captors could chase her, she trapped them behind a Prismatic Wall/sphere and began preparing a Fireball.   ---   Ahead, Lins saw the windows of the tallest tower light up like a beacon of rainbows, the sillhouette of an Eladrin in one of them - it was Trislee!   She sped forward just as three more angels appeared in the air behind the formerly-captured wizard. Trislee spun to face them, and just as she caught sight of Lins through the rain, one of the angels chasing her captured the warmage in her entangling whip, cutting her movement short.   With five Erinyes brandishing longswords and Lins stopped midair, things looked grim for the heroes...


Early hours (~2-3am) of the 10th of Reaping
Report Date
31 Jul 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location