Dwarves - demihuman Ethnicity in Greyhawk Oreth | World Anvil

Dwarves - demihuman

Dwarves of the Flanaess are strong and stubborn people. In some lands, they need help, but are often too proud to ask for it outright; beseiged Irongate, the exiled mountain dwarves driven into the Good Hills of Keoland, and the Ulek dwarves who suffered at the hands of the Pomarj humanoids are all examples. Some of these clans feel themselves to have been wronged; the Ulek dwarves are angry with the elves of Celene for not giving them aid, and there is strain between them and the elven-dominated Duchy of Ulek, which sympathizes with the dwarves and yet dares not rebuke Celene openly.   Elsewhere, the strong mountain folk are better placed; in Urnst, which has emerged strong after the war, dwarves are learning that the old glory of Nyrond needs their help even to sustain its own shadow. In Sunndi, the dwarves ally with the elves and gnomes, each experts at defending their own terrains, to keep their enemies at bay.  

Dwarven Subraces


Derro (Ancient-Blooded Dwarf): The descendants of enslaved dwarves and humans magically crossbred by the ancient Suel. Derro are terrors of the Underdark, and their society is completely unlike that of true dwarves.

Duergar (Strong-Blooded Dwarf): Also known as gray dwarves, these evil dwarves wear dull clothing and accoutrements. They average 4 feet in height and are emaciated compared to other dwarves, weighing about 120 pounds. Male and female duergar are both usually bald, and those who are not will typically shave their heads. They can psionically enhance their size and turn invisible. Most are lawful evil, though they have neutral tendencies. Many believe they were the first of all dwarven races, though they have a common belief that they voluntarily exiled themselves to the Underdark after the gods of the other dwarves betrayed their patron, Laduguer. Their society remains much like that of other dwarves, though grimmer and harsher.

Frost dwarves (Death Warden Dwarf): Extraplanar dwarves found on the Iron Wastes of the Infinite Layers of the Abyss. They were once duergar enslaved by frost giants.

Hill dwarves (Forge Dwarf): Considered the "standard" dwarven race, hill dwarves are the dwarves most commonly encountered by other races. A typical hill dwarf stands 4 feet in height and weighs about 150 pounds. They have deeply tanned or light brown skin, ruddy cheeks, and hair of black, gray, or brown. They are usually lawful good. The hill dwarves claim they have always dwelled in the hills, and other dwarven races are their descendants.

Mountain dwarves (Rock Dwarf): These dwarves live deeper underground and have fairer skin than hill dwarves. They stand about a half a foot taller than hill dwarves. They have paler, ruddier skin, and weigh about 170 pounds. Most are lawful good. The mountain dwarves believe they are the first dwarves and all other dwarves are descended from them.

Dwarf (Dwurfolk)



Broad-shouldered and muscular, with tan, gray or reddish brown skin. Males have beards and females may have beards or clean shaven.


Height: 4ft average

Weight: 150 lbs. average

Lifespan: 350 years average

Language: Dwarves speak their own tongue, Dwarven, and the trade language of the Underdark, Undercommon. Those who deal regularly with other races know the Common tongue, and dwarven warriors often know Goblin in order to better interrogate and spy on their enemies.

All other game stats, please reference the Pathfinder 2E Corebook


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