Elves - demihuman Ethnicity in Greyhawk Oreth | World Anvil

Elves - demihuman

Elves of the Flanaess are more divided. Bright Veluna has a strong elven presence that works unstintingly for good. Nyrond and Furyondy elves are vigilant against evil. The elves of the Highfolk bow no knee to Iuz, but the rulers of Celene are divided and currently favor isolationism. In Sunndi, the gray elves are warlike, aggressive, and hostile; in Lendore, the dominant high elves are philosophers, mystics, and otherworldly. There is no simple racial division within the elves, either; it is not the case that high elves are more inclined to be actively opposed to the evil of the Flanaess than gray or wood elves. What can one say of this timeless people? Some are the greatest hope of the Flanaess, while some seem to do nothing as the world threatens to collapse about them.  

Elven Subraces


There are several different subraces of elves, including aquatic elves, dark elves (drow), grey elves, high elves, snow elves, valley elves, wild elves (grugach) and wood elves. The offspring of humans and elves are known as "half-elves" among humans, and as "half-humans" among elves.


Aquatic elf (Non-playable race) - Also known as Sea elves, they live in caverns and cities on the sea bed. They are humanoid in appearance, with gill slits on the throat, silvery skin with a green sheen, and hair in shades from blue to green. Seaweed affords little or no hindrance to their movement. They've been known to live up to 1,000 or 1,200 years. A large number live near the Spindrift isles


Dark elves (drow) ( Cavern Elf) (Non-Playable race) The drow are dark-skinned, subterranean elves, known for wickedness and cruelty. Back when elves were new to the face of the Oerth, an elven schism forced the ancestors of the drow below ground were they adapted and flourished. Drow no longer seek to return to the surface but this history has led them to mutually resent surface elves.


Grey Elf (Seer Elf) built the old elven cities which now stand abandoned or were given up to other races as they moved through. They are more given to intellect than other elves, but physically weaker. They practice the oldest elven arts, but hide from the eyes of younger, shorter lived races in their isolated settlements. Once inhabiting mountains, many Grey elves have now settled in meadows and forests.They are thinner than high elves, and have either silver hair and amber eyes or pale golden hair and violet eyes. The latter sort are generally called faeries. They wear complex gowns and flowing robes, favouring clothes the colour of pure driven snow, the noon day sun, silver and gold, with accessories of polished leather, and contrasting colours and jewels. Their cloaks are often deep blue or purple. For battle grey elves favour plate or chainmail, with winged helmets. They live beyond the age of 1,500 years, sometimes reaching 2,000 years. They're known to use Hippogriffs or even Griffins as mounts


High Elf (Woodland Elf) are the elves most likely to interact with other peoples of the Flanaess, particularly humanity. High elves dress in pale forest colours when in their villages,typically pastel and of blue or green or violet but often covered by a greenish gray cloak, and intense, deep colours when in urban settings. Males wear loose blouses belted over close fitting hose with soft leather shoes or boats. Females often wear frocks with sashes, or blouses over ankle length skirts. When hunting, elves favour neutral brown leathers. They are typically dark haired and have green or hazel eyes. High elves can live up to 1,200 or even 1,600 years.   High elves are considered the standard elves of Greyhawk, and use those statistics where possible.


Snow elves (Arctic Elf) are very thin and wiry, but surprisingly tough and even more shockingly tall, typically reaching 7ft. The typical snow elf has light brown or tan skin, white or pale blond hair, and silver eyes. They prefer wearing only white materials, including jewellery made from bone or silver traded from Valley Elves. They have surprisingly short lifespans, for elves, only living around 750 to 900 years making them the shortest lived elves in the Flanaess. Most other elves, except Valley elves, look down on snow elves for this reason, seeing them as little better than humans with a misplaced sense of pride. It is true that snow elves are incredibly haughty, treating most other races, even other elves as completely beneath them. They get along well enough with Valley elves, but go into a berserk rage at the sight of drow to the point of having no self preservation. They have trained Hoar Foxes and bears for pets and guards.


Valley Elves (Seer Elf) appear much like the grey elves, save that they are even taller, often 5'6 but sometimes reaching even 6ft. Some have ice blue eyes as well as the usual shades grey elves have. Their hair is pale yellow in the summer, darkening to a rich gold in the winter months.They dress in blues and greens, usually in garments that are loose and flowing. While many sages suggest that Valley Elves are an offshoot of Grey Elves, some sources suggest their history and race actually goes back 150,000 years, being one of the first demihuman races to settle in the Vale for which they are named. The Valley elves serve the Mage of the Valley (The Exalted One, as he's known to residents of the Vale), even raiding near by human lands on his behest. Other elves are contemptuous of valley elves. Neither side will say why, precisely, but other elves seem to consider valley elves to be slaves to humans, shown by their use of derogatory terms for them. It's thought that the other races of elves are watching closely, in case the Exalted One or his Drow second in command corrupts the Valley elves; and rather than see another of their kin fall to evil, the other elves may launch a crusade. Other rumours spread about Valley elves is that they sold their servitude to a human for planar knowledge, and are growing dangerously inbred and eccentric. It is also curious that Valley elves only show antipathy towards Drow, instead of the hatred that other elves show them. They also tolerate Snow elves, which most other elves shun. Their grasp of the gnomish language comes from them sharing the Valley with many gnomes, of whom the Valley elves tolerate. They also speak a dialect of olven particular to themselves. Valley elves often have Cooshee accompany them and are skilled horsemen although they prefer to fight unmounted.


Wild Elves (Whisper Elf) also called the Grugach, are considered barbaric by other elves. These tribal elves contend that other elves have given up their primal essence to be more like humans. They live close to the land in a half agricultural, half hunter gatherer lifestyle, and wear rugged clothing consisting of kilts, boots and shirts made of animal skin and rough plant weaves. They excel at stealth, even compared to their kin. They are similar in appearance to wood elves, but are smaller, thinner (but broader shouldered), and very fair with yellow to coppery coloured hair. When not in their tribal bands, they dress in leather armour decorated with the shapes of leaves or of the animals of the deep forest. It's been suggested Wild Elves were incapable of being Arcane casters, although divine magic from druids was common. They're known to ride stags. They befriend many of the nonevil animals of their forest, having mastered beast tongue and tend to see themselves as guardians of their woods. They tend more towards Neutrality than most elves.

Wood Elves (Woodland Elf) also known as sylvan elves, are reclusive and seldom seen, living in the ancient hearts of primordial forests. Wood elves are more reserved than gray elves, and do not mix with the organized societies of other races on a regular or recurring basis. Some Wood elves have fair complexions, while other tend to be darker than their High elf kin, with hair color ranging from copper red to blonde and eyes of light brown, light green or hazel. They favour wearing loose pantaloons, baggy blouses and cloaks, in solid or mixed blocks of colours such as pale tints of green, fawn, ecru and dove grey or russets, reds, brown and tans for hunting and war. Their cloaks are usually green or greenish brown. Wood elves are more neutral than are other elves. Wood elves have a life span of centuries. They've tend to befriend giant lynxes and owls. Wood elves can live anywhere from 1,100 to 1,350 years.

Elves (Olves or Olvenfolk)


Possessed of innate beauty and easy gracefulness, they are viewed as both wondrous and haughty by other races; however, their natural detachment is seen by some as introversion or xenophobia. Slightly shorter than the average human, elves are also noticeably more slender and graceful. Males are slightly more muscular on average, there is little difference in height between the sexes, and facial hair is unheard of. Their features in general may be described as more angular and defined; including long, pointed ears and wide, almond-shaped eyes. Most elves have fair skin and dark hair, though this is no more true of all elves than it is of humans. They have a reputation for careful grooming, more so than perhaps any other race. This frequently extends to their clothing, which is luxurious and well-kept, though not to the point of impracticality


Height: 4ft 6in - 5ft 6in average


Weight: 95 to 135 pounds average


Lifespan: 500-1000 years Becoming physically mature by the age of 25 and emotionally mature at around 125, they are also famously long-lived, capable of living more than half a millennium and remaining physically youthful. They rarely die due to the wear of age.


Language: Elven


All other game stats, please reference the Pathfinder 2E Corebook.


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