Gnomes - demihuman Ethnicity in Greyhawk Oreth | World Anvil

Gnomes - demihuman

Gnomes take a similar view. Their hilly homes have been threatened by the humanoids in particular; many have been driven into the plains of human-dominated lands where they seek help to re-establish their old heartlands. Many, too, co-exist with elves in the woodlands; where the elves are active in working with human interests, so are the gnomes. Hill gnomes often share living space with dwarves, and are a brave, tough folk who are loyal to their neighbors and fight side by side with them.  

Gnome Subraces

Steinneblin, or rock gnomes (Fey-Touched / Wellspring Gnome): The standard gnome subrace of third edition, rock gnomes live in burrows beneath rolling, wooded hills. Friends to animals, rock gnomes have a racial ability that allows them to speak with burrowing animals.

Svirfneblin, or deep gnomes (Umbral Gnome) (Non-Playable race): Svirfneblin dwell in cities deep underground. They are more dangerous than the common rock gnome.

Forstneblin, or forest gnomes (Chameleon Gnome / Fey-Touched Gnome / Sensate Gnome): Smaller than rock gnomes, forest gnomes are a shy, secretive folk, living deep in wooded areas. They are more likely to be druids than illusionists or alchemists.

Gnome (noniz)


They do not tan, but their skin typically ranges from tan to brown to gray-brown to nearly black, and they normally have gray or white hair, though adolescents have the same range of hair color as humans. Their eyes are usually blue, though shades of green and even yellow or brown can occur. Males are capable of growing beards, but females are not except perhaps in extreme cases.


Height: 3ft - 3ft 6in average


Weight: 80lbs average


Lifespan: 750 years average


Language: Gnomish


All other game stats, please reference the PAthfinder 2E Corebook


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