Halfling - demihuman Ethnicity in Greyhawk Oreth | World Anvil

Halfling - demihuman

Halflings typically identify strongly with the good nations of the Flanaess. They are not numerous and have no lands of their own. It is not surprising that they look to the larger folk (and other demihumans) for protection and alliances.  

Halfling Subraces


Hairfoot halflings (Gutsty / Hillock) are the standard, "most numerous" subrace of halflings in the World of Greyhawk. They live in underground burrows or small cottages in the grasslands or hills. They are lightly covered with hair over most of their bodies, especially the backs of their hands and the tops of their feet, and they rarely wear shoes.


Stout halflings (Gutsy / Nomadic) are shorter but broader than hairfoot halflings, stouts make good craftsmen. They have broad features and course hair.


Tallfellow halflings (Hillock / Wildwood) are taller than hairfoot or lightfoot halflings, with lighter hair and skin tone, and prefer to build their homes in woodlands.


Lightfoot halflings (Nomadic / Twilight / Wildwood) are typically nomadic or semi-nomadic. Lightfoot halflings are "ruddy faced, with hair and eyes in various shades of brown. They do not have hair-covered feet and they wear shoes or boots. They are athletic and ambitious opportunists, although they retain their love of comfort and family.

Halfling ( Hobniz)


Halflings look much like human children with slightly pointed ears. They have ruddy complexions, and their hair tends toward brown and sandy brown. Halfling men often wear long sideburns, but beards and mustaches are unheard of except amongst "stout" halflings. Their eyes are brown or hazel. They enjoy colorful dress, but their coats and trousers are likely to be a serviceable gray, tan, or brown. Customary cultural clothes for men includes knee-britches, tunics, and shirts, often with vests, and wear coats and high-collared shirts on formal occasions. For women, common dress includes bodice-covered shifts and long skirts when not adventuring. Both dress themselves in gnome style when at war.


Height: 3ft 6in average


Weight: 50lbs average


Lifespan: 150 average


Language: Halfling & Common


All other game stats, please reference the Pathfinder 2E Corebook


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