Welcome to Greyhawk in Greyhawk Oreth | World Anvil

Welcome to Greyhawk

Greyhawk From the Ashes

Please use this Players Handbook as your reference for the game mechanics of this champaign. This champaign will be using the Pathfider 2E system. In the players handbook you will find the allowable races and classes for your charaters. The allowable reference books to be used as resources. Along with any alternate (House) rules for this champaign.

As for all the World/Champaign knowledge, please reference this WorldAnvil world guide. Inside this guide you will find Maps, Timelines, Histories, backstories and anything else needed for this world.

My hope is that you have fun learning about the Greyhawk setting and immerse youself in the lore and intrigue of this land. This is after all the origninal world setting for RPG's. My hope in this champaign is to bring us back to the original concept of the game and to run some of the notable adventures of all time.

So my friends, lets have some fun, roll inititive and save vs. death :)


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