Air Genasi Species in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Air Genasi

Air genasi are one of the four main subraces of the genasi race.  


Most air genasi are descended from djinn, air genies, though other origins exist, and the touch of the elemental power of wind and air shapes the genasi physique. Like all genasi, the exact appearance of an air genasi varies from individual to individual. Compared with other genasi, air genasi are often slightly quicker, but also somewhat physically weaker. However, just as the wind may vary in strength and temperature, so do air genasi vary in appearance and a few have other distinguishing features. Some have light blue or pale white skin or similarly colored hair. Other strange features may include unusually cool skin, a voice that carries over the wind, a whistling sound that follows quick movement, or even a slight breeze that seems to follow the genasi.   Because the traits that identify an air genasi are sometimes subtle, many go unrecognized for what they are for many years and are sometimes mistaken for sorcerers, although their inherent arrogance and disregard for their appearance fools people into believing they are charlatans at natural magic. Those that are overtly different learn quickly to disguise their nature from common folk, at least until they are able to protect themselves and strike out on their own.   Most air genasi have a lifespan identical to that of humans.  


Air genasi are fast and free-willed, even for other genasi, and in some ways represent many of the stereotypes about genasi in general. For instance, while most genasi see one another as parts of a larger family this is particularly true for air genasi, and the bloodlines of many air genasi are so old and so untraceable that air genasi, as a whole, tend to view one another as cousins—even air genasi they've never met before. Likewise, though this bond of kinship is strong, it is also highly competitive, another trait which is typical of all genasi, but particularly true for air genasi.   Like all genasi, air genasi are proud of their heritage and are more than happy to indulge in spectacular shows to awe those unfamiliar with their race, a characteristic that can sometimes be off-putting to others or make air genasi overconfident.[6] Air genasi see themselves as the inheritors of the sky, the wind, the very air of the world.
90–150 years
Average Height
5'7" – 6'2" / 1.7 - 1.9 m
Average Weight
130 – 225 lbs / 60 - 102 kg


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