Brinestone Keep Building / Landmark in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Brinestone Keep

Just off the coast of the Viscounty of Salinmoor, almost precisely halfway between Seaton and Saltmarsh, broods Brinestone Keep. Connected to the mainland by a causeway that rises above the waters of the Azure Sea at low tide, Brinestone Keep is an ancient pile of seaweed covered wet stone. Rising to several levels, the Keep is oddly shaped, a ziggurat where each successive tier is canted, off center from the tiers immediately above and below, forming a series of unsupported balconies jutting from the central core. Unstable, Brinestone Keep regularly sinks partially or fully below the surface of the sea, only to rise again, partially or wholly, before once more retreating from the surface world. No pattern to this cycle of sinking and rising has ever been discovered.   Ancient beyond the recorded history of the area, it is unknown who built Brinestone Keep. Explorations into its dark maze of dank halls have been brief and have revealed nothing. The Keep is empty and uninhabited. Interestingly, even the Sahuagin do not appear to have ever taken up residence. Locals give Brinestone Keep an equally wide berth. Those who venture too close report feelings of unease. Too long a time spent within the shadow of the dripping ramparts is said to occasion nightmares. Of course, the superstitious locals attribute any number of disappearances to the Keep. Nothing, however, has ever affirmatively linked Brinestone Keep with any fell activity. It simply broods, storm lashed amidst the crashing waves.


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