Chekitewan Building / Landmark in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Ancient and terrifying to behold, no vegetation encroaches on the midnight-black rock of this immense, steeped pyramid. Formed of six great tiers, hundreds of shallow, man-sized alcoves riddle the structure—a shriveled humanoid corpse propped within each. For the majority of the year, Chekitewan is merely a mysterious, shunned place, where no beast, jungle native, or explorer dares venture. On the nights of lunar eclipses, when the Olman god Tezcatlipoca turns his ever-watchful eye away from the world, these corpses stalk from their open-air tomb.    Throughout these accursed nights, the undead search for victims to drag back to their black ruin, their corpselight torches sometimes seen as far north as Sasserine’s plantation holdings. While many whisper that those kidnapped become sacrifices to forgotten heathen gods, the descendants of the Olman—after making signs to ward off evil—claim that these walking dead are ancient heroes. And the blood they spill temporarily sates the undying hunger of some eternal evil long imprisoned within the dreaded ziggurat.
Temple / Religious complex


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