Earth Genasi Species in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Earth Genasi

An earth genasi was a type of genasi that was able to harness the power of the earth.  


Earth genasi came in many physical shapes and appearances. Many carried obvious traits of the Elemental Plane of Earth, such as blocky features or earthlike skin, but others had earthlike features that were less apparent.   Earth genasi were usually born from the union between a dao and a humanoid, from two earth genasi, or from humanoid parents with a dao somewhere in their ascendancy. They could also result from exposure to elemental energy.  


Earth genasi tended to be strong and tough, but were often stubborn and oblivious.[3] They tended to be indifferent to others of their kind and thus in many cases isolated themselves.
90–150 years
Average Height
5'7" – 6'2" / 1.7 - 1.9 m
Average Weight
130 – 225 lbs / 60 - 102 kg


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