Fiddler's Cave Geographic Location in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Fiddler's Cave

Carnellio Fenderthan was the greatest musician in Sasserine’s history, and also one of the most mysterious. The more popular Carnellio’s music became, the stranger he acted, withdrawing into himself and spending vast amounts of time in the wilderness. By the time he was 25, he was a complete hermit, speaking to none and performing only once per year to an enraptured crowd at the Sasserine Opera House before melting back into the marshes and jungles. Folks whispered that the beauty of his own music had driven him insane, or that he’d sold his soul to a demon in exchange for his remarkable skill.    Finally, after last year’s “Requiem for a Sky Afire” left the whole of Noble District in tears, one of Carnellio’s more daring fans tracked him back to a cave deep in the mountains. Only to discover that the cave ended in a wall of shimmering green light, with Carnellio nowhere to be seen. Frightened, the fan fled back to the city, where word of his discovery spread quickly through taverns and dancehalls. Now, with the year drawing to a close and the next concert only a few weeks away, curiosity about the Fiddler’s Cave is once again rising to a fever pitch.


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